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LINK Pastor Who Said “Atheism Has Never Healed a Disease” Tests Positive for COVID | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

John Hagee, the senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, tested positive for COVID.

snytiger6 9 Oct 5

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Religion has never healed a disease either.

No, Religion, imo, IS a disease, an infectious mental disease.


Such good news


Atheism really never cured any disease. AND IT HAS NO INTENT to do it. But taking resources out of churches that do not cure anything (if you treat the data with the correct statistics) and redirecting it to science, then you can cure a lot of them.

But we are doing our best to 'cure' the mental disease commonly known as Religion.

@Triphid Look better there are atheists who use the same process of thought as religious people. The cure for this is science, and very few people know how to think using scientific method.
They keep closing themselves in what they think they know and believe. They attach themselves to other ideologies with the same strength as religious people.

We can get rid of religion as a political force in the next decades, but the biased thought that generate religion as is the "natural" way that we evolve to use is a lot more challenging to get rid off.


I would say atheism (if you equate that with rational thought) has cured almost every disease that actually has a cure; whereas prayer is just begging the disease to go away and leave you alone.


Oh Yea, yet again it seems both 'karma' and poetic justice have struck once again.


Considering mental illness, theism has a lot of accounting to do.

Mvtt Level 7 Oct 5, 2020

PLEASE do NOT hold your breath waiting for that to happen.


Religion gave us the cure for leprosy. You just have to kill a dove in front of its "brother" and bathe it in the blood of the killed one. Just sprinkle around the house. Don't forget to garnish with parsley. Checkmate!


Christianity has never healed anything at all.
No one ever expected atheism to heal anything, but most atheist do believe in science and science has given us all the medication that you can find in your local pharmacy.
The same science that causes anxiety attacks in Fundamentalist of every religion.


I hope he checks in with Dr Stella Immanuel for some treatment:


Gotta love how someone on Reddit reporting this same news called him a Talibangelical...


Neither has religion. It's helped spread it.


Damn, stand-up comedy getting easier all the time......

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