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Today's Hike: Golden Week and clueless Mormons.

Today Karen and I hiked up to Lake Clara and Marion, 6,000 feet elevation. Love the woods in the snow. Snow brightens everything. The trail is steep and short with 1,236 feet of elevation gain (and loss) over four miles total.

We wore micro-spikes for traction as the trail was icy and slippery. Wore bright orange jackets. Hunters are skulking about with long guns and itchy trigger fingers.

Northern Larch trees are one of only two conifers in North America that lose their needles in the Fall. During one week each year, their needles turn bright gold. Alas, wind blows off the needles. Suddenly there's a golden path.

Four Mormons guys started up the snowy trail wearing dress shoes, trousers, shirts, ties and vests. "They're playing hooky from proselytizing," Karen guessed.

Wearing a mask, I warned them that the trail gets much steeper and they need better traction.

"Please turn your backs to me as I go by," I said to the maskless Mormon guys. "Respiratory droplets- aerosolized- hang in the air." They obediently turned around in unison. Too funny.

Descending, Karen made a cross of branches for the Mormons on a snow-covered boulder beside the trail. "I would make a handprint with my middle finger raised," I said. "Kathleen!" she gasped. Just joking.

It was beautiful. Northern Larch will be brighter in four or five days, depending on the elevation.

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 26

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Great photos.


Thanks for the great pics.
I live in a small suburban neighborhood surrounded with fields and woods and plenty of bike and walking paths. No mountains though, my neck of woods is rather flat.
But it's hunting season these days. There are a few hunters out there and we also need to put on some orange vests.
Speaking of hunters, I've heard in the news about some Covid outbreaks caused by hunters gatherings.


I hope that you post pictures when they turn yellow.


On Thursday, Karen and I plan to hike up beautiful Stromberg Canyon. I hope there are golden Northern Larch there. Fingers crossed.


Photos I previously took of Northern Larch during Golden Week.

@LiterateHiker They are so beautiful! I always enjoy your stories and photos.


Kathleen, you are such a bad girl. Wonderful pics and story. Beware the mormons lurking around. They may be seeking wives to supplement their lair.


Too funny! I was wearing a mask.

"Please turn your backs to me as I go by," I said to the maskless Mormon guys. "Respiratory droplets- aerosolized- hang in the air." They obediently turned around in unison. Too funny.

@literatehiker no masks? Must have been repubs. Mormons do believe in things that don't exist.

@LiterateHiker How did you know they were Mormon's? Did they have a big M on their chest or a picture of MItt Romney?


Young male Mormons come to Wenatchee for intensive missionary training, sequestered (jailed) for months with no phone. Not even allowed to call their mothers.

They all dress like that.

@LiterateHiker Isn't that special? Could they be called male hand maidens?


They are beautiful Kathleen, I would like to see them sometime. I was out hiking yesterday and forgot about the hunters being out. I got my orange vest now. LOL


Photos I previously took of Northern Larch during Golden Week. I look forward to it every year.


More great pictures from you


Beautiful pics.


Love your pics and antics on the trail Quite the adventure each week


Thank you, Roy. Life is fun.

It sure is when one makes it that way


Little wonder that the word "Mormon" is only one letter away from "Moron." 😂


Sounds exciting but I got cold just looking at the pictures. Oh, well. It's been raining here all day and is cold anyway.


Finally figured out how to dress for winter hiking. With high exertion, my shirt gets soaked with sweat which then freezes. I got hypothermia three times.

Today I wore a jacket, vest, long-sleeved shirt, long underwear, hat and warm gloves. Everything I wear is wicking. In my pack: a dry shirt, down jacket, raincoat, mittens and a warmer hat.

I was fine.

Happy you do have it figured out,wicking clothing sure is the way to go and you are all set for emergencys also

@LiterateHiker At least you know how to do it. I came in cold last night because it rained all day. This morning I woke up normal and not so cold. Inside I have to wear heavy socks coz of foot neuropathy.


It looks COLD and breathtakingly beautiful!


Beautiful but be careful

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 26, 2020
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