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LINK Survey: The Pandemic is Strengthening the Faith of Devout Religious People | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

A new study out today from the Pew Research Center finds that a surprising 28% of Americans believe COVID has strengthened their personal faith. Another 28% also said the virus has strengthened the faith of others. Those numbers are significantly higher than the other countries included in the survey.

snytiger6 9 Jan 28

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Im not sure if I should take such Pew results as bad polling.
I mean if you ask anyone "have you lost faith in the American voting system?"
The answer is likely a loss of faith, but then the last election has the highest turn out ever.

Likewise asking about religiius faith will likely get a strength of faith, but are they going to church (if thats an indicator?
Their talking the talk...but are they walking the walk?


Yeah but I suspect it's weakening the interest of notionally religious people -- those who say they are religious, write it down on forms, but never go to church -- and, I suspect it will enhance the secularism and religious apathy of younger age groups, who were already increasingly detached from religion anyway. Religion has looked bad during this pandemic, while science has looked good. Frankly, we will have to wait and see what the survey data shows in the future. As for devoutly religious people, often older people, they are unlikely to change, so strengthening is not surprising.


Too bad for faithfools. One who chooses to be a moron will be......One who chooses to expand their horizon will learn more and be better for it.


Instead of questioning a god that puts this on people they are scared shitless and cower in their bunker beliefs even more.


Being dead in the brain leads to being sooner dead in the body. Ho, hum.


To the religious this is all sort of like snake handling.


Out of the non Islamic countries our religious nuts are some of the most dedicated! 😁


I nearly lose it when those fuckers say, "It was their time." They can rationalize any bullshit, from Covid dead to raped kids.


Sounds like faithfools doubling down on faith because their scare of covid.

The ones who believe it exist do.


Are we, at this point, attempting to find rationality in the motives or actions of religious people? If thats the case, I would question weather the attempt is rational.

not to mention their warped definition of "faith"

@bbyrd009 yeah...when speaking religionese, the english dictionary takes on whole new definitions,


Bizarre. I wonder how much guilt plays into this ?

Like , "I'd better believe in god, so he keeps Covid out of my body !"

But then - with the devout ones who die anyway - who knows how they rationalize that !?

...’god called them home!’


If they have so much faith they shouldn't get a vaccine, or go to the hospital if they get sick and just pray instead. They can also throw away any meds they may take and just let their gods will be so.

While I do agree to an extent, they willingly risk the health and safety of others.
If it were just their own health they're risking, I'd have no problem with them all dropping dead.

@KKGator hmm, if you're worried, wouldnt your mask keep you safe? Its a Codependency party, swear to God lol. You know what happens to hermits who socially isolate and then try to rejoin society? Do you really think social distancing for healthy ppl is a good idea? Imo you are participating in your own demise with that crap ok
best of luck

@bbyrd009 What are you on about?

@KKGator well, i might be wrong ok, but imo social isolation for healthy ppl is a really bad idea, like suicidally bad

@bbyrd009 I didn't say anything about social isolation. No idea where you got that from.


@KKGator ah well by that i meant even social distancing, or really any kind of interaction avoidance that prohibits sharing spit, basically, else how might ones immune system get exposed and develop immunity?

@bbyrd009 You clearly seem to have your own theories on the subject.

@KKGator ah really, not, i mean ppl marooned or otherwise isolated from larger society for long periods are at great risk after reintroduction, isolated tribes can die by a visit from us, right, stuff like that

remember when they said to stop using antibacterial soap bc superbugs? what are we doing now? i tell you again we are participating in our own demise. healthy people share biomes. those cut off from the herd become at risk for diseases the herd has become immune to. naturally.

i mean bam if you're immune compromised or otherwise at risk take steps, but tbh i think we're not even talking about the right thing anyway, i mean how does US have 5% of the world pop and 20% of its fatal cases? etc
thats the beauty of a plandemic maybe
ha sry for all the subject changes lol

@bbyrd009 we can be a ‘carrier’ and not be sick or know it! I would never want to pass on something that I have an easy time or really sick with! And from the latest reports, another virus may be waiting in the wings! So it is better to learn to be as safe as possible...just a good habit to have!

@Freedompath boy, but at what cost, im wondering. gotta run, i'll be back later, but you really think isolating is the way?

@bbyrd009 ...for now! I hate being isolated, but I still have things to live for! And I suspect others feel the same. I do believe that we will get into a better position, especially when we have hot weather and more sun. But, I cannot see us running ‘fancy free’ in the near future! Much to my sad disappointment.


Well, they're idiots, so...

Beat me to it lol

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