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LINK Conspiracist: The Unvaccinated Are Being Treated Just Like Jews in the Holocaust | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Oh really? Where are the slave labor camps, the gas chambers and the cremation ovens? Christians portray themselves as oppressed, but they aren't really.

snytiger6 9 May 11

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The herd will be thinned out at the expense of overworked healthcare workers.

well the herd is not being thinned out at all, or at least very little more than usual; yup, population still exploding just fine?


The hell with these fuckin’ whiny little bitches.


Anyone comparing the minor inconveniences of public health measures to things like Jim Crow or the holocaust clearly has never experienced anything remotely like actual oppression in their life. It's the sort of thing people who have lived an utterly privileged life would say.

Well, im not sure that argument is being made, so much as β€œthis is how it starts?” dunno


No one has said the covid vaccine is mandatory.

In some places and under some circumstances it is or will be.

Some schools and work places require vaccinations.

Ha c’mon, it is at least fair to say that much pressure is being brought to bear eh


Bullshit they earned it

bobwjr Level 10 May 11, 2021

Great article. It says much that the same culture that produces Holocaust deniers are the same ones comparing themselves to the victims of said atrocity. The hypocrisy is blindingly clear.


We are starting to put them in camps and gassing them? I didn't realize we had got to that stage yet, not that I'm complaining, mind you.

The camps are a reality now i guess...


Sure, let's round them up into cattle cars and chugga chugga choo choo them into camps.

Good idea imo, then they would actually have something to scream "Persecution" about for the very first time in history.

Whoever angry-reacted has clearly never seen sarcasm.


Oh really?
Is that why there has been more than the usual Rail traffic through town of late?

If they are complaining, it must be true.




Wow, how would they present the current treatment of the Uyghurs I wonder then?
How ridiculous!

In fact I’d think the better comparison would be prison; where they separate the dangerous from those that can follow the rules and not be a danger to others.
In reality they are probably lucky thet they’re not all sectioned and sent to the loony bin as they’re a potential danger to themselves and others! The psych rule book does get changed every year! But the costs of keeping them would be prohibitive to doing it.


Those who refuse to get vaccinated due to religious bs are most gullible in this country.

You could also read that as vulnerable. How many of them will die before they work it out? It seems they have to experience it church by church 😞 slow learners.

@girlwithsmiles .03%, right? i don't think the figure is even being disputed?

@bbyrd009 for those vaccinated yes. Versus 1.8% death rate for unvaccinated against Covid in US or 2.9 in the UK by the look of this:


So yes, it’s really a matter of choosing your odds!

@girlwithsmiles well tbh i am as skeptical of their figures as i am of China’s now, as they are proven liars anyway, and i don’t recall seeing β€œfor those vaccinated” anywhere on the charts?

(Hey Siri, what’s 3.3 million divided by 7.8 billion?) .0004 or .04%, although I guess India will adjust that up some)

Should we maybe dig up a list of things that one is more likely to die of than c19? It is to laugh, sorry. Our posterity is going to wonder what in the actual fuck we were even thinking, i bet

@bbyrd009 yes, I think so too, (about wondering, although social media may allow them some insight). It’s interesting to see the cultural differences in handling Covid 19; but feels kind of surreal when I think of the deaths personally.
Have had no one close die, but a friend at work had a relatively young friend die quite early in the piece.
My family have only experienced the flu like far: have been very lucky. But I do tend to work of the stats as my frame of reference.


If Christians view their treatment as comparable to how they treated the Jews in the Holocaust... 1) It's good they admit the Holocaust happened; 2) As they now support Fascism to maintain their White Supremacy, they certainly deserve whatever imagined slight they feel; 3) They deserve so much more, and maybe when the next pandemic hits, they'll get it.

"the next pandemic" lol, priceless

@bbyrd009 I would remind you that in the last x years, we've had a bunch of actual or potential pandemics including Zika, West Nile virus, H1N1, H1N5, Ebola, SARS, and MERS. We may now have some new tools, but we don't know what else might be out there.

@racocn8 ok, i don’t know for a fact ok, but I suggest β€œsame as it ever was,” and the (undue) focus is just so dang handy for distracting ppl while you are looting the treasury! As evidence I would point out that the herd is not being thinned at all, the population is still growing apace, and while .03% is tragic, don’t get me wrong, it hardly registers as β€œpandemics” go

And I don’t think it was β€œChristians” in the article, but β€œthe unvaccinated” or maybe β€œanti-vaxxers?”

@bbyrd009 I'd say the pandemic has registered for those that died and their families.

I generalized to Christians because they are so quick to forget the Holocaust, except when they can use it disrespectfully.

@racocn8 β€œ I'd say the pandemic has registered for those that died and their families.”
not denying that, but 50,000 children die every day, what about them, or the host of other casualties from more common and more preventable problems?

β€œI generalized to Christians because they are so quick to forget the Holocaust, except when they can use it disrespectfully”
Ah, never heard any Christians do that, so i dunno

@bbyrd009 Christians frequently refer to the use of abortion as a Holocaust.



These people have absolutely no clue about history, none!

Or the present for that matter!

They have no clue about much of anything.


What an unmitigated load of bullshit.
The hypocrisy being demonstrated by some of these people is astounding.

For myself I would replace "is" with used to be. 😁

@oldFloyd Excellent point.

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