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The Myth of Religious Violence


“The popular belief that religion is the cause of the world’s bloodiest conflicts is central to our modern conviction that faith and politics should never mix. But the messy history of their separation suggests it was never so simple.”

Karen Armstrong
25 Sep 2014



skado 9 Aug 31

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Who the fuck do they think they are kidding?
Religions, the greater majority of them that is, PROMOTE Ethnic Separationistic Attitudes, Racism, Violence towards others who DO NOT follow their belief system, etc, etc.
Recorded history shows plainly, clearly and succinctly that at least 87% of Hostilities between humans have had a root cause somewhere steeped in a religious belief system of kind or another.
Example, AFTER Christianity, actually the Following of the Mythological teaching of the equally Mythological Jesus was NOT known as the 'Christian Faith' until AFTER the Second Council of Nicaea held in circa 327-328 C.E., prior to that date they were simply called either the Jesuites or the Messianic Followers/Messianics, circa 98 - 103 C.E. the then Messianic Followers went on a rampage of Death and Destruction at the behest of the self-elected Bishop Deotheisius of Tyre and destroyed, razed, laid bare 3 cities in the Middle East, raping and slaughtering everyone in them, men, women, children and babes in arms in the NAME of Jesus, the Messiah.
Circa 104 -107 C.E. again at the behest of Bishop Deotheisius of Tyre another horde of Messianics went on a rampage through Jerusalem, attacked the Temple, killed innocents and Priests alike before setting flame to the Temple and almost burning to the ground.
Bishop Deotheisius of Tyre WROTE to Emperor Constantine and apologised for the War that he had sent his Disciples upon BUT stated that he HAD DONE this to APPEASE Rome and the Emperor, not Yahweh or Jesus (quote) " For If he had ordered it to be done in the name of the Messiah ALL Romans, men, women and children WITHIN the WALLS of Jerusalem would have been put to death and burned upon the steps of the Temple as an offering to Yahweh."
Even in more recent/modern history there has ALWAYS been the element present of "We are fighting this battle/war BECAUSE God and Jesus are on OUR side."
The German Nazis even wore belts with their uniforms, that had "Gott mit Uns," God is with Us" emblazoned upon them and we have here someone trying to tell us that there is co-relation between religion/s and violence.
PLEASE get you historically recorded FACT right for a change.

0's really all about power on earth. If sometimes that includes war, then so be it. If it's just the usual propaganda and be it.

Religion is the Worship of Man. Gotta get used to it.

twill Level 7 Sep 1, 2021

No war was ever started for a single simple reason.

You can therefore put any spin on the origins of collective violence you like, from economics, religion, violent instinct, personal ambition, race, the nature of politics, class conflict or the need to redirect it, and many more including, the exclusion of any of the above. It is messy indeed, and perhaps the best case is to treat each conflict as an individual case, and disentangle its strands from that point. People like simple answers because that is easy, and people are lazy, but understanding is hard.

And it is very true that a lot of what is seen in the West as Islamic imperialist ambition, is actually just a defensive attempt to reverse the attempts by the West to impose western values at gun point. Which never works.

“ if my sons did not want wars, there would be none”

@bbyrd009 Sadly that should perhaps read, my sons so called leaders.


War is never about religious belief.


It’s not about religion. It’s about beliefs. Belief is s different story.
If you can talk them out of logic, let me know. I’ll buy their ammo.

Religions and Belief Systems are much the same thing when all boiled down, they ONLY difference is in WHAT those who are adamant supporters of Religions/Belief Systems, etc, DECIDE HOW much they NEED to guild the Turd to make it acceptable in the eyes of others.


Have you ever heard of Jihad? Meaning holy war in the middle east

Tejas Level 8 Aug 31, 2021

. . . I just finished, a very good read :


That's just someone pushing a book. Violence is not in decline. Look at the middle east, south america, and good old USA.

@xenoview I got the audiobook from my local library. Your assertions lack credibility, you apparently haven't read it, and have provided no credible research (the book is 800+ pages).


@FearlessFly Let's not forget the violence and killing in africa.

Civilian casualties in the war in Afghanistan (2001–2021)


Casualties of the Iraq War


@xenoview Just because you haven't read the book doesn't mean that ALL the centuries of historical killing can be ignored. 😛


I don't think it's so much a "myth", as much as it's just another reason why humans engage in warfare.

Yes, unfortunately we seem to have gone from the " My Father is Bigger than your Father" to my My God is Bigger, Greater and Mightier than your God even IF they are one and the same" ideology.


The RCC popes are the cause of crusades, witch hunting, and heritic persecution.

7th century yes. 21st century no.

@barjoe I believe baby bush said god told him to invade iraq.

@xenoview He did say that and he also said Saddam tried to kill his daddy. Both are war excuses.


I disagree. It absolutely is radical Islamic extremism.

Perhaps currently but not necessarily historically.

@Barnie2years Exactly. They are still in the 7th century.

@barjoe same place the. Christian fundies would like to take us if they get the chance.

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