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Missouri Clergy Urge Vaccination: ‘Medically, Scientifically but also Theologically’


Dyl1983 8 Sep 9

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It won't do any good. The only people the religious nutbars in this state believe more than their religious leaders are the leaders of their domestic terrorism cells, the GQP



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 10, 2021

It will be very good if this attitude gains more traction.
Sadly, mask free churches seem more common.



Not ALL christians are assholes. There are christians who are genuinely sensible and offer good advice.

It's just a pity that they appear to be a small minority.

Yet, to those Missouri clergy I'd say "Good for you. If I had the opportunity I'd happily buy you a coffee."

It is true not all Christians are assholes but quite frankly not enough of the Christian to ask for is aggressively trying to minimize the toxic tendencies their community has historically been part of and is perpetuating today.

The failure to not aggressively confront the madness theologically within their communities is something society has been paying for it large, at ever increasing stakes, for a long time

I would venture to say that the vast majority of “christians” despite being misled or blindly following, are good people. They just don’t get the press that the assholes get.

@Canndue And one of the reasons is that they won't call their fellow christians out for being the assholes they are.

If your loyalty to a 'fellow christian' is greater than your loyalty to what is right, then sorry, that IS an issue.

@ToakReon You assume all people are predisposed to speak up. In my meager experiences, those folks are a minority by far. Most simply go along with or ape the behaviors of the tribe. Let’s face it, moral right or wrong are subjective, contextual concepts. IMHO


Better late than never. Finally somebody is using reason.


But ... But ... Freedom.

I hear you on this one. My 40 year old daughter is a nurse and that would be what she would say. It's her choice and they are taking away her freedom. Telling her the good of vaccines in my lifetime and me being a part of it does no good. I have seen polio. She has not.

@DenoPenno Sorry BUT a Nurse and complaining that wearing a MASK is taking away HER Freedoms.
Is that, perhaps, her FREEDOM of Choice to DIE from COVID and take as many possible with her as well?
How does she get on when required to mask and gown up when treating patients?
Does she also cry like some spoiled Brat about HER FREEDOMS then?

@Sorcha Yep Nursing is a Career and a Profession where one needs to leave ALL their prejudices, beliefs and other crap behind and concentrate on the task at hand completely.
You not only the life of a patient in your hands but EVERYONE else around 24/7.

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