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LINK Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the Church

I had a feeling there was a Sister Act too 😀

TheRevjoe 7 Oct 6

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The religious approach to sexual repression should be classified as a toxic sex cult in its own right.

There needs to a international public service announcement media campaign that at least make it public how such approaches to sexuality are psychologically and scientifically unhealthy.

domos Level 7 Oct 8, 2021

My friend was lucky. The nuns only put egg shells in her mouth & made her chew them. She was not calcium deficient. Then the hot chile` pepper. Torture of children by the sexually repressed.


Ay, anyone know what kind of meat a priest eats?



I watched a docudrama that was meant to be based of the lives of the girls in the Magdalene Laundries and if only half of what was shown happened then it was horrific abuse and torture.

And taking away reproductive freedom is the first step in the religious right dragging us back to what they see as the "good ol' days."

Joni Mitchell wrote a song about them.


That's sick and weird.

If there ever were any doubt that rape is about power and dominance much more than sex -- here is evidence. Ugh.😠


This sounds like something I watch on The Shudder channel for 64 days of Halloween. Not reality.

Sadly it IS real though.


Every single one of them should be found if they are still alive and lined up against a wall and shot. My mother was raped by a fucking Catholic priest when she was nine years old. This was why my parents never went to church, nor pushed any religious bullshit on my sister and I.


Has there ever been any doubt that nuns can be hideous people?

Mother Terrorsue was a hideous people. They made her a saint.

@DenoPenno Yeah. Kidnapping sick and lame people off the street to film them while they slowly die because you deny them medical care as scam to rise money for the vatican is the epitome of evil.

NEVER, just take one look at Mother Teressa.

@BufftonBeotch And NEVER forget about the Catholic Talent (sarcasm intended) for CREATING the CASTRATII, young boys being CASTRATED BEFORE puberty so as their voices would not change and they'd be still of use in the Church Choirs.
That practice, supposedly, was stopped in Europe in the middle of the 19th. century BUT there has never any counter-evidence that it has been stopped in other countries, especially those in Sth. America and third world countries where Catholicism is rife.

In parochial school they would hit with the blackboard pointer, they would even at times lift girls skirts to do it. As well as handslaps, and even smacking across the back of the head. One I even remember had a large wood paddle.

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