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"I'm equal parts snow leopard, dolphin and turtle." Really?

I awoke to this message from a never-married Peter Pan age-59 with dyed blue hair.

Hey (again?) Both your style and your words resonate with me... but I think I told you that already. Ian

My reply:

Hi Ian,

In my profile, I wrote from my heart. I'm a clear communicator. Perhaps that's what resonates with you.

Your profile is dissembling (to give a false or misleading appearance; to conceal the truth or real nature). It's jarring, off-putting and creepy. You wrote:

I am equal parts snow leopard, dolphin, and turtle. Sequencing would likely reveal bear and pelican.

Well, not really. But - I think that's a closer and richer representation than I could come up with in a paragraph full of adjectives and other identity-related language.

What does this mean? Yawn.


Of course, he lashed out and blocked me. Immature. No surprise.

Let's see...

Snow leopard: extremely elusive.
Dolphin: freely leaping away.
Turtle: hiding his head in his shell.
Bear: dangerous. His eyes look mean.
Pelican: prehistoric.

That fits.

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Get him sweety

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 29, 2021

He looks like he's part over-aged Emo too!


Do you mean Emo from Sesame Street?

@LiterateHiker I meant Emo, not Elmo.


Will you post a photo of Emo, please?


Yoiks! I'm as free-spirited as the next old hippie, but he'd send me running for safety.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 29, 2021




Blue hair fell
It was blowing my way
Blue hair fell
It is going bi waves


Well I'm sure the right girl is out there for him. Definitely doesn't seem your type - or mine, but he might be somebody's type. He would do well in the single scene here on Kauai. Not many people here with a handle on reality.


I love when the trash takes itself out....


He saved you the pain of meeting him, and that is likely a very good thing. He seems pretentious, immature, and jeebus, that hair! Peter Pan for sure,


Love your reply!

"He seems pretentious, immature and jeebus, that hair! Peter Pan for sure."

@LiterateHiker LOL.


Is he dressed up for halloween? I suspect that there may also be a modicum of peacock in the blend 🤣🤣🤣


Haven’t you just always wanted s snow leopard of your very own????😮😮😮


I loathe cats. They're all over me. They sense our mutual disdain.

Animal dander triggers my asthma.

@LiterateHiker Then I guess you've definitely never wanted a snow leopard of your very own.🤣


My twin brother...! You found him ! Tell him I said ....."Good Luck"

twill Level 7 Oct 28, 2021

His line sounds original to me.
Where did he pull that one from? Lol

Unity Level 8 Oct 28, 2021

My guess would be from the same place where the sun has never shone.




More like "Boo hoo." I didn't leap for his bait like a fish.


I was gonna guess unicorn.



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