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Which mask would you choose?

I chose Vaxxed and Masked for Your Protection. Makes a statement without saying a word.

Living in a rural conservative area (Wenatchee, WA), many Republicans refuse to wear a mask in grocery stores, despite the mask mandate in Washington State.

"Because I'm Not an Ass!hole" would trigger angry Republicans to lash out at me.

Made in Vermont.


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 28

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“Fully microchipped” for the win! 😄


Vaxed and masked for your protection. Simple, true, not confrontational.

But non confrontational is so boring....🤨

@Buck One person's boredom is another person's civility.

My civility went out the window in 2016, true story.🙂

I really like that one too as well as the yellow one but I feel the blue one is confrontational here in Oklahoma.


I’m a special kind of sarcastic asshole, so I’m going with the green one!? 😎


Well, fortunately, here there isn't much of the arseholes that you describe. I'm looking forward for the time we can go somewhere without wearing any of these things. That's my focus instead of having a message on the masks I wear. That's my two cents, for the best or for the worst. It won't change anything.


It goes over your nose.
If they were here in Nevada they wouldn't be allowed in a store, we're pretty strict about this shit.
It's like, no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service. End of story.


I'd go with the "it goes OVER your nose" mask around here. Actually I wouldn't use any of those. I won't wear elastic over my ears, I wear hearing aids and the risk of dislodging and/or losing a hearing aid while taking it off is a risk I am not willing to take. I have made all my masks with ties.

Yes, that's the message I mutter under my mask when I go to Costco...

@Julie808 I always thank any salesperson when they wear their mask properly.


I like them all but, living in Texas, I don't need the stress of wondering whether I'll be attacked (or my tires slashed) for wearing most of them, so I choose "Vaxed and masked for your protection." It's less confrontational and less likely to incite the crazies. Although I look better in black ... hmmmm.


Thanks for your reply. I feel the same way.

It is also quite intelligent. Maybe too much for some, could cause unfamiliar thinking.


The black one. Though I already made my choice.


They should have one that says, "I just said Fμ(k θff...😂"


Hilarious! Thanks for the belly laugh.


wearing one says it all. i like the cheap light blue paper ones. more comfortable, no pretense, cheap.


I actually have the black one


One of many new industries spawned by the pandemic, love it. I like the microchip one......


I like it goes over your nose.


These masks fit me beautifully. Very comfortable. The masks have wire to mold over your nose and adjustable ear straps.

I already have four of them in paisley and flower fabrics.


The black one.


"If you're reading this, you're too close" is hilarious!

@LiterateHiker I don't want them close enough to read it

And I've got just the angry stare to go with it!

@Larimar, @LiterateHiker There were far too many space invaders at my last job!


Although there are a few that express the way I feel, I'm also all for a peaceful life. Confrontation is tiring so I go for the cheap standard surgical mask that I can easily replace after I've sneezed into it.


Like them all. Then I could wear a different everyday I go out.


I like them all.
Would wear any one of them.
Depending upon my mood of the day, of course.
Most days I'm civil.
Other days, not so much.

This could be your flag...😂

@phoenixone1 Oh, more than just a little. 😈


The red one.


ALL of them.


How about one that says "Because I don't want to murder my own countrymen by way of disease"?


I would buy and wear 4 of them. I don't like the green one or the red one. The rest are excellent for specific places I frequent. 🙂

I've narrowed it down to the "Vaxxed and masked for your protection" for me - and the "It goes over your nose" for a friend. I might look for others to give as stocking stuffers this year, since I suspect the masks I gave away last year are getting worn out.

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