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"You'd better not have hair anyplace else." Is this from online porn?

Dave, 72, had asked if I shave my legs and pubic hair. This has been bothering me.
Methinks he watches too much online porn. We just talked on the phone until I cut it off.

"What he doesn't know about women," I thought. "I'm not allowed to have arm hair?" I didn't dignify his comment with a response. Why bother explaining?

After menopause, women's estrogen level drops. The proportion of testosterone rises. Twice a week, I look in a lighted mirror at my face, upper lip, eyebrows and nostrils. Armed with tweezers. It takes nerves of steel.

Since I don't watch pornography, I don't know what men are seeing.

The fantasy that women's skin must be smooth and hairless is sexist, controlling and wrong. Disturbing shades of male attraction to prepubescent girls.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 18

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Who is he to say this? What's the alternative? Is there a penalty? If the penalty is that he loses interest, I'd be growing everything I could!


Its just another fetish. Each man to his own. Howard Hughes preferred natural hairy women. Men are visually oriented. Men have told me it is this preference. Not an attraction to children. They want to see more where as women want to hear more generally speaking. Evolutionary leanings. It is a good thing you did not invest more time in this particular person.


I couldn't agree more. If a man doesn't like a woman's body the way nature intended it, he should buy a rubber replica.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 22, 2021

Due to the overabundance of food, and the overabundance of "bad" food, Nature's Intention is becoming irrelevant


Being very direct, I prefer a natural lady with dark pubic hair. I also love fluffy armpits - something from puberty watching a beautiful French exchange student stretch... Oh la la!
However, in a relationship it is fine to go with what you are all happy with.
What this fellow seems to be doing is building a shopping list which he thinks you will submit to.


You should have asked him if he saves his pubic hair. I think it is inappropriate to ask people those kinds of questions. Shaving is a personal choice. I chose to shave because I swim and ride my bike hours a day and it keeps the moisture down when I bike. Skin to skin contact is much more pleasant vs skin to hair during sex which is an added benefit.


True. With Dave, it's essentially a moot point.

He told me he has severe ED. Pills (Viagra, Cialis) and self-administered shots in his penis don't work. He has not had sex in eight years.

When the pilot says "All rise," he stays seated.


Shaving or not is entirely a personal choice. All body hair is part of our primate legacy, and eventually the species may see it naturally get edited out of the gene pool since it serves no particular purpose. It's not even really an indicator of sexual maturity; mine came in (all over, chest, mustache, everything) about age 12 & god knows I was immature then. (NOTE: "TMI" section follows, read at your own risk) I've tried shaving and I must say the boys feel a lot more comfortable in hot weather- there's no A.C. where I work, so any more airflow and less sweat is welcome. (And before the biology majors cut in, I don't know if there's less actual sweating or if it just wicks away to my shorts more easily. The details are less important than the fact I feel cooler. 🙂) There's also a benefit as far as skin sensitivity, which a very good female friend of mine says she experiences too. Personally, I like a well-trimmed but not shaved appearance, and I groom that way myself.

BUT, regardless of any of the above (those of delicate sensibilities can start reading again) nobody has any standing to insist of anybody else that they shave anything or not. I just think this guy is way too full of himself.


Nothing wrong with being single, but I think one of the reasons he is single and alone and insecure is because he is too sexist, demanding and narrow minded.


He should buy a sex doll. They can make it precisely for him.


If he is worried about your appearance at all, and has not moved on from that, after the first thirty seconds of contact with you, then he is a waste of space, forget instantly.


If a man does not like how you appear then they are not for you. I do not understand why anyone would do something they do not want to do just to get laid. Nothing more than that is going to happen. If a relationship is what is wanted then what you are is what is wanted. if not it is not going to work.


I do find your never ending pursuit of an acceptable male and your documentation of it here to be entertaining. I'm in awe of your persistence in the face of the unrelenting parade of idiots as I gave up long ago and I didn't have to put up with this bullshit. I just had lots of scammers. You remind me a bit of a goldseeker, panning through tons of rubbish, looking for a few bright flecks (and even then, what you find is often fools gold). Where do you get the energy, or is it that you find these disrespectful fools entertaining as well?
My thoughts on pubic hair... Women have hair, children don't, and I like women who are proud of being women.


At 68, I still have a high sex drive. I hope for a hiking partner and caring relationship. My parents talked and laughed every day. That's what I want.

An extrovert, I enjoy meeting new people. I learn from everyone I meet.

I was born an ebullient optimist with high energy.

@LiterateHiker I get that, at 70 I still have a high sex drive and I enjoy meeting new people as well. I have found my tolerance for idiots to be significantly reduced though.

@LiterateHiker I've actually found a dance club, where for $15 each Friday night I can learn to dance for 2 hours and meet new people. I'm not sure about meeting a partner yet, but there are a lot of nice people there.


I like women, not pre-pubescent girls. Hair please......

And yes, the lack thereof is a manifestation of porn culture.


Just goes to show you that different people have different norms. When I started dating after my 2nd divorce, I was 55 and I was asked out by a beautiful 39 year old woman.
I had been married twice, both of them for 16 years, so 32 years of my life.
Fashions had changed. We went back to my hotel room and as I removed my underwear, my extremely hairy crotch area was showing. She said, "Not just no, but hell no!" It was quite shaming, actually.
She was hoping for at least some manscaping.
Since then, my sex partners have appreciated my freshly shaved testicles and surrounds. They tend to show me their pleasure by their actions. Some express verbally, gratitude for the cleanliness.
Most of the women I date and play with, are between 30 and 65 years old. Some shave clean, some leave a landing strip, some are natural. I must say that the shaved and partially shaved, make for an easier time.
Everyone has different experiences. None of my partners got their preferences from porn, it's been their culture or upbringing.


One gentleman I met shaved his balls . If Dave contacts you again , ask him if he shaves his , or better yet , has he had electrolysis to have it permanently removed !


He must remove all of his body hair, including his balls. With hot wax.

My test if something is sexist is to ask, "Do guys have to do it, too?"

@LiterateHiker Not a fan of hot wax as I don't like pain so when I read your fist sentence I envisioned you classifying his balls as body hair and him removing his balls with hot wax. Not an easy image to remove.


I don't shave anything. I'm blonde and have very fine hair, if a man is close enough to see any hair he better not be complaining. Shaving pubic hairs is just nuts as far as I am concerned.


I have no idea where Dave got that from. Maybe he wants all his "women" to look like prepubescent girls. I am happy to accept any woman as she is. If she wants to do anything with any of her own bodily hair, then that it is entirely her business and nothing to do with me, be they reasons of vanity, health or merely personal preference.

On something of a side note, I sometimes need to trim my eyebrows. They have grown unruly as I have aged, and I do not like the way they interfere with my sight.


Don't It's not worth it

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 18, 2021
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