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I don't understand how this is a bad thing. Their numbers are declining, so if they want to make a spectacle of their bigotry and point out how nonsensical their "rules from God" are, that seems like a really good thing to me...


For all those objecting on the grounds that baptism occurs in infancy in the Catholic church, there is adult baptism for those not baptized as infants. As for not allowing trans people to be baptized without repenting their being transgender, those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Seeing as Baptisms occur 3 months after birth, how could a TransInfant (?) be cognizant of Being Transgender. As a former Catlic and trans, I thought all sins were "washed" away during that ritual. Guess this means I won't be allowed back in the club..😳🤪😂


Total bullshit

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 11, 2021

A reason that the Catholic church is so anti birth control is that the only way to gain more Catholics is for them to be born into it and brain washed into it from infancy.
It certainly does not have an appealing marketing strategy to lure in new recruits.


Does this mean the nontrans people can get baptised without repenting? I thought that was basic premice of Christianity. Everyone had sins to be repented of and belief in Jesus as savior from those sins.

Of course, the Catholic church wants to declare being trans is a sin just like being gay is according to them. But I don't see all that much difference in all the other sins the Catholics have decided are sins. Maybe this church should be concentrating on dealing with their long history of covering up crimes like from their pedophile priests and any other criminal who have done harm to individuals and society. The church seems to believe they can forgive sins of thieves and murders with a few prayers and rituals, and without them having to be held accountable for these crimes. Their morality (or lack thereof) is simply ass backward.


Gee, what a terrible blow! I know a few "trans people," dated one in the old days. The ones I know would be DEVASTATED.


So how can the not baptize trans babies that don't know they are the wrong gender. Is there some sort of baptism removal ceremony. Given the attitude of the church I suspect many trans people don't really care what the church. In the end the church loses money and acquires additional notoriety it is a racist organization.


It really is bigotry, given a coating of tradition, in the hope that will stop people noticing how disgusting it it.

Its "Our faith gives us a divine right to be arseholes, and a second divine right to claim we're the victim if anyone points out what arseholes we are!"


I'll say, as I have before, fuck the rcc, and if the Pope 💩 meant one iota of the bullshit that spews from his mouth about acceptance and not judging, he would chastise these dicks who are supposed to work for him. He won't. The catholics, especially the Amerikkkan ones are become more like the evangelicals every day.


No wonder young folks are moving away from this silly nonsense.


Why the hell would anyone want to get baptized ?? Silly ritual !!

Some have no control over their parents (often even as adults).


A good reason to stay away from the RCC ... and all other religions.



I really hate the rcc.

I don't really hate them...i just pity them.they will live their miserable lives knowing nothing, feeling nothing and accomplishing nothing...just robatic extensions of a lost and dieing belief.

@phoenixone1 I don't pity them, at all.
Their "religion" is violent and harmful.
My hatred is justified.

@KKGator I just don't like going down the "hate" rabbit hole ... But that's just me. Oh...I waved HI when I passed through Thomasville this morning on the way to Valdosta.

@phoenixone1 Hi back.

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