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I wonder how this law would be enforced for temple endowed Mormons who are supposed to wear special undergarments after going through the Mormon temple ceremony. They would be as obvious as some religious symbols, but the outline of it can be detected under certain clothing. This has been particularly true for men who wear white shirts.


Couldn't agree more.


No shit, Sherlock!


Yes, the god that made us all and was sorry he did so gave us morality. That same god also tried to drown everybody. Does that make sense?

It makes about as much sense as killing off one individual to save all the rest.... unless the rest don't believe in the one. Then they are slated for destruction by endless fire.


Secular morality is superior to religious morality. Religions try to claim that morality is objective and comes from a god.


That's what we're trying to do in Quebec. But because of that, the rest of Canada is calling us racists and fascists.

Are you saying that Quebec is trying to temper or lessen the influence of the Catholic church there, and that that is causing the rest of the country to see them as fascist and racist? I say this because I have always heard that the province is heavily made up of French Canadian Catholics.

@TomMcGiverin It is true that Quebec has a strong francophone majority. As for the enormous power of the Catholic church, it used to be true, but not anymore. Since the 1960's, there has been here a strong movement called the Quiet Revolution, shifting the power away from the church and into the hands of the provincial government. In Wikipedia, look for "Quiet Revolution".
Recently, Quebec has adopted a law (Bill 21) that forbids certain government employees in autorithy positions (cops, judges, teachers, etc) to wear any religious sings on the job. It's widely supported here, but very criticized elsewhere.

@QuidamOutrepont So, as I am an ignorant, but curious, American, please explain to me what is going on in Quebec these days that is getting them so much heat from other quarters in Canada?

@TomMcGiverin Bill 21


Secular culture is also way better for a country's politics. It makes them more open to socialism and a collective sense of inclusion and caring for the rest of their society, even those of a different race or religion. Their society is more likely to see everyone as part of one family. Finally, in a more secular country, people are more focused on the present and future life, instead of some obsession with the past or some afterlife, and thus feel more invested and interested in dealing with present problems, as well as investing in the future of their fellow citizens, along with their kids and grandkids.

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