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What’s the longest you’ll allow dirty dishes to be in the sink?

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I have 6 kids so sometimes I have no choice...we "run out" of dishes before I even realize then my wife or I have to clean them unless we want to eat off the floor. 😛

@MrLizard 7 total. One with my x and my only daughter.

@MrLizard they are! Lol


what year is this?...after a while, it isn't 'dirt' but that individual who lives in your to toss it a cookie every once in a longer is there an unclean knife in the sink, but an armed life form...treat accordingly.

I was going to ask what month, I think you beat me both ways. I have this vague hope that one day it will be full of nice fresh mushrooms.

When it tries to eat you, it's time to do something....

@Holysocks MORE COOKIES!

Mmm....Typewriter! Nomnomnom...


Don't judge me!!??!? 😉

You won’t be judged. Wink.

I actually have a broken dishwasher right now, but I was about to start a kitchen remodel, so it's all hand washing. They might sit for a couple of days.


1 day... i can't stand a dirty kitchen.

It’s an insult to the eyes!

@EmeraldJewel yes it is...


Zero the dish washer is where you store them.

Paper plates for you.


As it’s only me. I make sure dishes are washed before bed. I love waking up to a clean ordered kitchen.


just cling film all your plates... never do a dish again!


Lol. Overnight. I will leave the really crusted up supper dishes (pans) to soak. But the next morning, I make my coffee, sit on the porch & drink it, then go straight in and wash them. Can't stand dishes sitting.

Lol I can’t, either. I actually got annoyed by people who have dishes sitting for days at a time.


I do them after dinner, if while cooking I can already sense my disdain for doing them I’ll break out the paper plates, unless I’m making soup, I hate how soup runs off the edges of a paper plate.

Hahaha! Dang plates!


Not that long-dishwashers are a wonderful thing.


Mine don't stay too long at all, thanks to my dishwasher. I actually enjoy doing dishes.

That said, I've had friends and exes who prefer to wash them by hand, but I think they're just crazy.


I just finished running a new drain line. The dirty dishes have been sitting in the sink, for about a week now.


Until I need a clean one 😛


Long enough to let my food settle and not much longer unless it is breakfast or lunch in which I wash them immediately after use.


They go in the dishwasher as I use them.


I wash my dishes after I'm done eating.


Until morning


An hour. Tops.
Leaving them any longer makes my OCD hurt.


We put them in the dishwasher as we use them. I like my kitchen to be clean.


Overnight. I'll do them in the morning when I'm in the kitchen having coffee and breakfast. Usually only a couple of plates and cups anyway.


I am living in Thailand and don't have a sink, but if I leave a dirty dish anywhere for over ten minutes, I'm asking for an army of almost invisble ants to emerge from the walls and take over. I've learned to add a dollop of cooking oil to my scrubbing water, which seems to repel them for several days.

Ordinary soap also seems to work, if I leave a soap film.

They also crawl over my clothing, looking for skin flakes and can sting me relentlessly if I don't the right kind of body wash, or add a few drops of cooking oil to the container.


1 day, any longer and I get crabby.


About a week normally..Tis the life of the bacholer


I might be able to last about 17 minutes before I wash them.


Right into the washer with ye!

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