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This logical contradiction has been around a long time but nobody wants to put their imaginary god into the role of the villain compared to the imaginary devil villain role. Religion only works for a person if they don't have the capacity to think in a logical fashion.

SnowyOwl 8 Mar 9

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Why would an omnipotent power care if mere humans believe in him, yet this "god" never acts on anything. Ever. If there were a Satan, he'd be the good guy. Hail Satan!


There is nothing remotely logical about believing in any deities.
Any attempt at trying to figure out why believers do what they do is a complete waste of time and energy.


Satan in the bible, up to and beyond the Gospels, hardly gets a mention, and the whole idea of hell is a later theological invention. Since, theologians have a problem, because when your house of cards begins to wobble, then, you need to adjust or take away some of the cards, as most people do. But if you have already declared your cards sacred, and your construction perfect, in order to big yourself up, and gain the maximum amount of fake authority, you can't do that.

So your only answer is to prop the whole thing up by adding yet more cards, which in turn create more wobbles of their own, and so you go on adding yet more and more, until the least puff of logical wind, the tiniest hiccup, will bring the whole thing crashing down.

So you have to say. "Keep your logic away from my cards will you, you nasty, burping atheist, you should not have eaten those chili beans, that is the fires of hell you are breathing out.".


My opinion...
It has been said that man was created in god's image. How about...god/s were created in man's imagined ultimate image. The association made them seem like demigods. History has shown that greed for power, wealth, and control is a constant. Creating god/s that sanctioned invasions to conquer, murder, steal, and destroy made it possible to achieve their goals, they also needed "evil" to blame to gain compliance from their followers and to justify their actions.
Fear is a great motivator, so creating evil god/s ensured compliance. No Satan/evil gods could match the torture devices that humans have created to inflict the maximum pain endured for long periods sometimes resulting in madness and or death.
Humans created their god/s, good and evil to justify their actions.

Betty Level 8 Mar 9, 2022

Religion is bereft of logic.


Imo, Religion, like Christianity for example NEEDS a scapegoat to both justify itself and to survive against those of us who actually think for ourselves, hence Satan/Lucifer, etc, etc, and any other names the bible bullshit spreaders can dream up were invented.
After, all the BEST way of all to keep a populace under your control is to ensure that they fear something they can never see but can imagine and instill in to them at EVERY opportunity possible that you and only you or those like you can keep them safe, BUT you must adhere strictly to what-so-ever THEY tell you to do.

A Common Enemy works wonders


Because that’s how mythology works. It’s not a historical account of real personages. It’s personifications of various aspects of human psychology. The same reason dreams often don’t make sense. They are not products of the rational mind. They are expressions of symbolic relationships.

skado Level 9 Mar 9, 2022

Do you ever not talk like a textbook, Professor?

@NostraDumbass Stone the Crows, he's swallowed a whole Thesaurus this time I think.


No shit


You can lead a theist to reason, but you can't make him/her think.

I love this! I'm going to steal it. 😀


The fundamentally religious are not really known for their logical thinking skills.


It's more bonkers than that: the creator of hell is God, and he's the keeper of hell (aka the Devil), and he's the one who creates billions of people in the full knowledge that he's going to burn them in hellfire for eternity. Why would anyone worship such a vile beast as that? And yet, they do.

@David_Cooper you nailed it, mic drop!


Cmon dude, are you asking religious brainwashed people to use logic?


Satan or Lucifer is probably a metaphor for disobedience.There was never any notion of democracy in early empires or kingdoms which were run by autocractic rulers. Religion provided the perfect carrot and stick for rulers and has been used ever since. It serves the dual purpose of instilling fear (control) and the promise of a (reward) that is contingent upon following precepts and paid postmortem.


I have had that same thought. This hss never made sense.


Displaced Aggression


Purely recreational, so please don’t take it personally.


Completely agree here. Most always seem to miss this logic


Because all religious beliefs are nonsense and this is just one of many stupid beliefs that deluded individuals believe in and would not dare to question due to fear . Common sense never enters into their thought process ..


After all, isn’t it better to be the RULER of HELL rather than a SLAVE or a SERVANT in HEAVEN?


I don't see any contradiction, at least not in the way I was told the story. It goes like this: Satan hates God and wants to hurt him, but the only way he can is to torture those whom God loves. God loves all his "children," but he allows Satan to torture those who disobey him. So Satan tortures these.


What is the logical fallacy here? Satan tortures people because he enjoys it? Or it is Satan's punishment to torture people for defying God? I don't think there is any logical reasoning against bullshit premises


Because he’s a sadist?


Everyone knows Satan is a sadist, helloooooo…..🙄

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