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If budgets are moral documents, what does the US budget say about ours?
Why is destroying our enemies a higher priority than feeding, clothing and teaching children?


xenoview 8 May 14

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Because if we did not have a strong military infrastructure, we would have been another Ukraine long ago. Nothing to do with morality in the budget, only projecting military might.


Some military expenditure is necessary. Think Ukraine. There is no simple answer as to the right amount. Too much is a waste; too little is courting catastrophe. Fortunately, there are plenty of people on social media who have the answer.


It is frustrating that we, tax payers, have no say in what our governments decide to do with our money.

Ryo1 Level 8 May 15, 2022

We do have a say, technically, with our right to vote. But as long as most people either don't vote or only vote for the two corrupt major parties, it makes no difference. We will only begin to have a say if most of us eligible to vote, dump both major parties and elect a president and congress that are not from the major parties. And even then, if that happened, I fear that the ruling class would then use the military to institute a crackdown and install a dictatorship that would serve the rich and corporations. But until then, we may as well get to it and try throwing out the two major parties and have the civil war that would probably be needed to get our country back, rather than continuing on with this charade of democracy...

We as taxpayers have a decided say in how money is spent. We elect people who say they will vote in a particular fashion. Of course some (maybe many) don't keep promises. Howver voters keep reelecting peope over and over. Who's fault s that?

@Alienbeing Voters are responsible for who they vote for but you can't always blame voters for electing wrong politicians. Voters initially have so much trust in the politicians they vote for (or rather the political parties instead of individual political candidates in the UK), because they promise that they will do their best to serve the nation and make their country a better place, only to realise that they don't keep their promises and they keep failing their constituents.
Incidentaly, in the UK, if they cannot decide which political party to elect, they can 'spoil' their votes by, say, drawing scribbles on their ballot papers. Their spoiled votes still count.

@TomMcGiverin I've come across a few Americans who seem to think that another civil war is inevitable to sort out your country, and now you as well. Do you seriously feel that desperate? I don't live in America, so...

@Ryo1 My point was that voters continually REelect politicians after they know the politician did not perform. Hence that is the voters fault.

@Ryo1 Anyone within, or outside the United States who seriously thinks another Civil War is possible know virtually nothing about Federal military and State Militias (now called the National Guard).

Additionally we Americans have such a short political memory that it would be impossible to gather any great nuber of people to even try.

@Ryo1 I really do feel that desperate, tho I could well be wrong. Instead, it may end up being a situation where the country splits in two over its laws and policies, without physically separating into two countries, because they want to continue sharing a military for national defense, and to also share regulation and operation of natural resources and national parks. Like a couple that splits but continues to live together.


It is all about the money. Follow the money and you see what those in power have in store for us. They want our money. No bullshit here about killing off anyone. If you do that you cannot get their money.


Neoliberalism. It's all about corporate greed. We no longer are a democracy in the US.

MizJ Level 8 May 14, 2022

The ultra-wealthy could easily be taxed a few more percent and provide the needs of children. But, this is Murka and having more money than you can spend is sacred to the bribed politicians.


The problem is that all the formula is made by only a few big manufacturers. If one goes down, boom! You have a shortage. Those same big US players lobbied Congress to get laws passed that protect their market shares from foreign competition. So now it's hard to augment the supply from abroad. This is the American way: the rich and powerful making sure they stay rich and powerful. The same dynamic is at work with big pharma and drug prices. So much for all their blather about free markets, and Adam Smith's invisible hand.


Because the MIC is the biggest lobbying group in our federal political system and war is very profitable, at least for an elite number of people in America. Providing for the basic needs of kids, or any other age group of Americans, is not profitable, in fact it would require the rich to pay more in taxes, which they have no interest in doing. Only a socialist type of government would put the needs of its citizens ahead of the military budget, and that ain't the American way...

What did Dwight Eisenhower, a revered and esteemed Republican, warn toward the end of his years in office?

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”
— Dwight D Eisenhower

@p-nullifidian And since then, both parties sold out to the MIC, while the corporate media cooperates in making it taboo to discuss what Ike said at all.

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