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Yang is 100% Correct:

BD66 8 Aug 11

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While that raises a good point about the persecution part, given the evidence that I have observed from a strictly independent take on the matter, I think said raid was warranted, and that Trump is indeed in possession of the documents that were claimed.

The other part I agree with, and this is perhaps the more important part there (the bigger picture in other words), is the fighting against a corrupted Government, which at this point is nothing more than a two-Party monopoly. The people shouldn't kid themselves either, the Democratic Party is no more working for the middle working class than the Republican Party is, and I sure don't see these Democrat politicians doing much of anything to seriously deter the anti-reproductive rights crowd. We keep trading one moron for yet another moron, and that pretty much sums up our Elections over the last three or so decades now.


All governments have a degree of corruptness. The problem is what's corrupt for one person is right for another. The more of us and the more diversity that exists in a nation the more polarization. No system is 100% correct and there will always be flaws but the tRumpers present a system that revels in corruptness. It is basically a fascist style of heavy handed ruling.


Trump was elected because he said he was going to get the corrupt out of congress. Of course, he lied and put everyone he could think of in the government so he could steal the whole thing. The problem is that he almost did it and got away with it.


False! Trump is much more corrupt than any politician in American history


Consider who the OP is, people......


This raid has given the anti-government crowd a huge boost, and Trump LOVES to claim it's all made up persecution. I'm not sure what the FBI expected to find, but unless it's something that leads to a conviction, it is just divisive political theatre.


He’s absolutely correct that millions of Americans will see this as unjust persecution. But if he’s suggesting that therefore it should not have been done, then he’s 100% INCORRECT.

skado Level 9 Aug 11, 2022

That's the dumbest fuckin' thing I've ever heard Yang say.


Ex presidents deemed a high security risk who stole documents and refused to return them despite months of negotiation, could not be considered unjust persecution to anyone with a thinking mind. It doesn't matter with Trump's cult; they will have a persecution complex no matter what because that's how their feeble mostly religiously corrupted brains work. The alternative is letting Trump off the hook, but that is what the corrupt US systems have been doing all his life because of his wealth and fancy lawyers, with the inevitable result of the Trump cult. The sooner they convict Trump of something, the better. Then he'll be barred from office. Yes, his cult will screem bloody murder, then move onto their next cult leader who appeals to their sense of grievance. That's America today.


Indeed it does. I told Trumper's at my workplace recently that to prevent foul we have to make sure that you are home before the FBI raids you. Try that one on for the future. The Trumper's are pissed that the media politicized this raid. OK, Trump politicizes everything.


Yang IMO is much less than 100% correct. Who is he? What has he done?


It will for those who love his fat ass, there are also a lot of folks that think this action is long overdue........


They will if it had no point for charging him with a crime. With a Mueller Report and two impeachments it might even appear that Dems are persecuting him when, in fact, they're merely failed attempts to prosecute high-class crime. You'd think the population would be thankful the Dems are trying to hold him accountable but, instead, he merely becomes a persecuted victim. States of America is a fucked up old hag.


Among his deluded supporters, yes. However, in no way should he EVER be allowed to get away with his crimes. Make no mistake, he and his organized crime cartel tried to overturn the government, throw out votes, and he is still doing it. He won't even stop if he is in prison. He is one of, if not the most dangerous person in our country now, and must be stopped. I don't give a flying rat's a$$ what his appeal is.

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