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LINK Transgender 8th Grade student questioned by Texas officials at school, mother says - The Washington Post

A declaration recounting the incident was filed as part of an ongoing lawsuit by LGBTQ legal advocates

On the morning of Aug. 30, a 13-year-old transgender boy was pulled out of class by his school’s administrators, his mother says. While his classmates continued their studies, he sat in a conference room at a Texas middle school where a Department of Family and Protective Services investigator began asking personal questions, court records state.

The reason: The state agency was probing his family following a February directive from Gov. Greg Abbott 🌈 to investigate the use of gender-affirming care in minors as child abuse, according to court documents.

The nearly hour-long interview touched on a range of personal topics — from the teen’s medical history to his gender dysphoria diagnosis to his suicide attempt years back, court records state. The interrogation left the boy — identified under the pseudonym Steve Koe — shaking and distressed, according to a signed declaration from his mother, named as Carol Koe. ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 10

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Texas is one fucked up state.


With no minor's advocate or parent, that sounds highly illegal, but, it is Texass.

It's the so called child advocates, whildren and family services, that are investigating. It's pretty screwed up.

It's not the same thing, but it brings to mind hos the Nazis encouraged children to turn in their parents, which is what the interview was all about. Trying to get the child to say things that would get his parents in trouble and cause him to be removed from his parents... and this was beign done by the child advocates by order of the governor, who arbitrarily ordered that gender affirming treatments are to be treated as "child abuse".

It's all really fucked up.

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