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LINK ‘God, I don’t want to die,’ U.S. missionary wrote before he was killed by tribe on Indian island - The Washington Post

Interesting read from the near past.
How a Christian Instagram missionary was killed and buried by The Sentineles tribe isolated on the North Sentinele Island in India.
I think he got what he deserved.

ChrisAine 6 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Well clearly god had loftier plans for your ass, now didn’t he!!?! 🤗


He went to them to help them find god and they arranged the meeting.


He made his choice to believe and live within that belief. The mistake he made is trying to force others into his beliefs. In this case the message he received was a dead "no".

Betty Level 8 Dec 21, 2022

He was a victim of his own willful lethal stupidity and his own willful lethal ignorance. I have no time for him and all who are like him.


Questioning "my" plan again. Smite him from the Earth.

puff Level 8 Dec 21, 2022

god was going to save him, but darn toot'n, those mysterious ways! We just can't seem to figure out how he operates!


Cleaning up the Gene Pool one hubris-filled fool at a time!


As usual dog(god) did nothing to save him, hence it was dog’s will he was sacrificed by his own dog!!!


Did he ask ‘God’ to ‘forgive’ him?


Not only did he decide to trespass after plenty of warning, but showed up to insult the residents and their culture. Well, that’s the kind of stupidity mixed with arrogance that’ll get you killed!

Good for him. Anyone who feels bad for him is just as bad as him.

@ChrisAine Perhaps he witnessed the ‘cumming’ of the lord??!! LOL

@ChrisAine That’s ‘morals’ to this type of subhuman trash. The types of people, where, if I had some leftover food, I’d throw it in the trash can and spit on it before I give it to one of them.

@ChrisAine A prick indeed. He could have made us all invisible magicians like himself, but instead he makes us into hairy, sweaty, farting, and shitting talking monkeys….what a fucking clown….🤠

Yep,,,when in Rome....

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