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One day the zoo-keeper noticed that the orangutan was reading two books - the Bible and Darwin's Origin of Species. Surprised, he asked, “Why are you reading both those books?”
“Well,” said the orangutan, “I just wanted to know if I was my brother's keeper or my keeper's brother.”

Benthoven 8 Dec 7

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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I will have to try and remember that one!


Well done.


I really like that joke. It is so funny. I have a special place in my heart for all animals and orangutans are one. They are so sensitive. I can pick up their thoughts. I saw one at a zoo in a small cage. I looked in his eyes and I could feel the pain. It was a horrible pain. He told me all he wanted was to go home. I never went to another zoo.

Boycott palm oil!

@Countrywoman Yes!! Please spread the word about palm oil and how habits are being destroyed by the plantations!!!

Betty...maybe I can help. After 25 years of working in a zoo, I know something about orangutans (my favorite primate.) Because they live NON-SOCIAL lives (they're the only non-social primate)...they don't have social facial muscles. They don't need them. When we look into their eyes, they're uncomfortable! THAT is what you saw. It's very easy to anthropomorphize (we all do it) but, the truth is, orangutans just want you to STOP LOOKING INTO THEIR EYES!

They're really intelligent...they make/use tools, they plan ahead (I can tell you STORIES) and I've seen them construct giant Lego towers.

I'm sorry you saw one in a ''small cage." I wish you could see our exhibit...lots of platforms to ''sun'' on...lots of ladders, fire hoses to climb and lots of greenery.

And, thanks to all who ask us to BOYCOTT PALM OIL! When you fly over Borneo, it's easy to look down and misinterpret all that greenery! You think all must be well. Then, you land and see that it's NOT's those damned palm oil plantations!

@LucyLoohoo I am so glad to hear your story. That Tangs eyes have haunted me since we took our 2 daughters when they were young. He broke my heart. I am glad to hear that they just don't want you to keep looking. I could tell the tang did not want me looking. I guess I misunderstood some of the look. You can see how intelligent they are. I love to watch them.

@BettyColeman And, so do I, Betty! BUT...when we watch primates, we need to look at them the same way they look at us. If you watch, they either look quickly out of the side of their eyes or in quick little peeks. Staring is just RUDE, in the primate world...come to think of it, I wouldn't want someone staring directly into my eyes, either.

@LucyLoohoo I hear what your saying but that tan was one unhappy guy stuck in that cage in the back where he was evidently being temporarily held. Those eyes were huge pools, all teared up and I understand what you are saying, but this guy had no will to live.


Punny!! 🙂


Very nice, sir.


brilliant i like it


We never knew an orangutang could serve as a president either!

Marine Level 8 Jan 27, 2018

orangutans are awesome and by doing nothing but eating could have done better than Trump. very unfair on an amazing animal.

Sorry I did not mean to offend the orangutans

Orangutans are MUCH smarter than President Agent Orange.

yeah but he isn't a cute intelligent one.

@SKH78 45 has an orange face with great white circles around his eyes.


Ha ha ha


Smart orangutan.


What if he's both? Don't tell the xtians they got something right!


You are a riot!


Love it, give that orangutan a cigar.


That's cute.




Good one!

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