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Representative Omar didn't say anything anti-Semetic about The fascist Donald Trump sycophant, Bibi Netanyahu, and what's more, she is the only person in Congress who has the guts to tell the truth about the self described "democratic" leader of the extreme right-wing coalition government. She did not criticize his religion, she criticized his actions which are in violation of United Nations, international human-rights laws. Her comments are in no way intended to malign the Jewish religion, in fact, in his own words Netanyahu is a " secular Jew"! She is the only member of Congress who is outwardly condemning the repression and murder of Palestinian-Israeli citizens and illegally annexing their property. Shame on the fascist 40 members of the so-called "Freedom Caucus". for supporting this travesty, and shame on Netanyahu for pretending to be the "only legal democracy in the Middle East. Israel is no more a democracy than Russia, and Netanyahu is as much of a liar as Donald Trump, Joe McCarthy and their election- denying congressional co-conspirators!

fishline79 7 Feb 3

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Do you think she might be biased?

Name someone that isn't.

@273kelvin She's a Muslim who has in the past pledged support for Al-Qaeda. Not everyone is as biased as you.

@barjoe Who told you that MTG, George Santos or Herschel Walker? Oh let me guess Faux Gnus.

I have considered that, and yes, she probably is, but I'm not playing tit for tat. I'm not talking about her. I'm talking about what she said and how everybody in this country thinks Israel can do no wrong because they feel guilty over the Holocaust. I don't feel good about being represented by someone who believes in sharia law, but every session of Congress is opened by a prayer, so if they can represent me, I guess she can too. I feel the same as she does and I'm not a Muslem, so what is my motive? This is about right and wrong, and hypocrisy, and in this case she is right. Many residents of Palestine had lived there for many generations before we gave the territory to the "Children of Israel" and they moved in and started treating the Palestinians the way Hitler treated them. It wasn't ours to give, nor was it Great Britain's.

@273kelvin If you think everyone who doesn't agree with you, is stupid, then you are the one who is stupid.

@barjoe On the contrary, I do not believe that anyone who disagrees with me is stupid. In fact, I welcome contrary debate and if your arguments do not fall into the category of calling "fire" in a crowded theatre, then go for it. I will however feel free to pick holes and give my 2c worth. That is the point of why this is wrong. I watched the video and quite frankly I was not shocked, on the contrary, I found it illuminating. Whatever your or my views you cannot but agree that this woman has a different perspective. One of the strengths of America is those different perspectives. Now if you want to restrict those perspectives to only include old rich ivy league educated white guys, then your views will be naturally diminished. One thing America does not need at this time is a greater restriction of perspective.

@273kelvin *Who told you that MTG, George Santos or Herschel Walker? Oh let me guess Faux Gnus"
I consider that calling me stupid. Stupid.

@barjoe Now I might be stupid but I did not see anything in that video that pledged support for Al Qaeda. If fact she went out of her way to say she did not. What she did point out was that enemies of the US, (even the most hated in the US) can be seen as heroes by others.* This a perspective that I would welcome on a foreign affairs committee but then again I might be stupid.
Now you could carry on with the established narrative that America has always been on the side of truth, justice and democracy and that more guns lead to a safer world whilst ignoring the millions of innocent civilians killed by the US industrial military complex over the years but I think that view is already well represented.

*A point of view that might well be viewed as active support by the likes of MTG, Faux Gnus etc.

@273kelvin gfy

@barjoe Thank you profusely for your well-reasoned and erudite reply which was in no way childish or idiotic. It totally explains the true reasoning behind the GOP stripping rep Omar of her committee assignments. "You stripped MTG so we will strip Omar and if you point out that MTG is a dangerous airhead GFY"
Btw I am looking forward to seeing how that elementary school in Illinois is going to struggle through with a mere 5.1 billion dollars of CRT funding.


@273kelvin I'm not a Republican so I still say, gfy.

@barjoe Thank you again for pointing out that being rude and obnoxious is a truly bi-partisan position in US politics.

@273kelvin You started it.


Israel was given that land by U.K. and France (owners) in the Balfour Declaration and won The Gaza Strip in their war vs Egypt (the aggressors of that war). The settlements being built on that land are because the Pal's immediately elected Hamas (which is considered by most to be a terrorist org) so an outpost was needed to warn greater Israel of attacks.

Omar is a Muslim, so biased in favor of Islam, who won't show solidarity with female Iranian Muslims so she hasn't much sympathy for anyone. Therefore, what's her goal? I don't like openly religious figures as Rep's, not Christian/Catholic/Muslim or Hindi, so her removal from Committees doesn't bother me.

Her removal from committees should bother you. It matters nought how much you may not like her Muslim background. What matters is a reasonable dissenting voice is being silenced out of pure spite. MTG* can rant about "Jewish space lasers" but any criticism of Isreal gets you banned. How far would you take this? Would you remove all Christian nationalists from congress...the senate...the supreme court? Nice idea but how much of the present GOP is left after that?
A lot has been made about Russian interference in western politics. Very little is said about Israeli influence. I watched zionist propaganda destroy the left of the UK labour party albeit with the collusion of the right of that party. Now you might say "So what" but how would you feel about say the UK destroying Trump? "Butt out" would be your cry I suspect and you would be right.
There is a reason we do not live in a one-party system.

*A woman that gives blondes a bad name

@273kelvin unacceptable is true in both parties.

You're "parroting" the same rhetoric that everybody says in this country, but those Palestinians were there (as well as some Jews and even Christians) long before the Jews were "re-patriated" so it didn't start with the "Gaza Strip War". Even before the "Children of Israel" left their homeland they were enemies with the "Philistines"

@rainmanjr I am in complete agreement with your comment and I wish more people could have such insight instead of paying lip service to the P.C. propaganda. Netanyahu is a fiend, not a friend.

@fishline79 The U.K. and France commissioned Israel to work with the Pals, treat them well, and that's why Israel gave them The Gaza Strip. Their thanks was rocket attacks.

Yes, Arabs lived in the region, too. Back then there were no Pals, however, so Philistines were just Arabs. Maybe Bedouin?

@rainmanjr What do you mean, "Israel gave them the Gaza strip" They lived in a region called Palestine. The US took the region off of Britain's hands, thus relieving them of a thorn in their side, and gave it to the Jews who weren't eliminated by Hitler and who were scattered all over Europe and the rest of the world because they needed a homeland. The Palestinians were already there! It was their homeland! So the Jews were magnanimous enough to give them back a piece of their own homeland, the most uninhabitable part! No wonder they were a bit miffed! Wouldn't you be? We did the same thing to the Indians. No wonder we identify with the Jews.

@fishline79 Okay. You go with that.

@rainmanjr I would like to amend my comments on the subject and offer a qualified apology. I have since learned that there are studies that have shown that the modern Palestinians have been in the area only about 100 years and have largely migrated from Europe as did the Jews, and there is no connection between Philistine and Palestine, and the Jewish claim that they share a longer bond with the area of Jordan/Palestine, which goes back farther than the modern Palestinians, many of whom originated in Egypt and points east. is basically valid, but the ancient Jews had also migrated out of the area in biblical times. In short, this is all a product of the human conundrum of race and religion. Additionally, the seed of the current problem is too many cultures, not enough land, not to mention Adolph Hitler! I see no solution, and I think that both sides share the blame, but the continuing conflict can only be resolved through compromise and diplomacy which as we see, is unlikely. Maybe, back in the post war area, instead of choosing Palestine as a location for a new Jewish homeland, we should have sent them to West Texas and they could turn that wasteland into a garden as they have done in Palestine. After all, we stole Texas from Spain! (Only partially joking)

@fishline79 You are a dude without equal. Thank you. Yes, TX would have been a great choice for everyone.


I assume that you support the Palestinians shooting rockets from schools and public homes so that they can blame the Israelies when they fire back???

I take it that you have never been to Israel....

I agree that the situation is not as simple as the left makes out but neither is it as clear as the right pretends. One thing is clear though, our understanding of the situation is not helped by stifling debate.

And yes I have been to Israel

I don’t see how anyone that has actually spent one day in Israel could be on the side of the Palestinians unless they were Muslim.
Israel is 100% surrounded by countries that hate them and want them dead 100% because of their religious beliefs. If they completely take over Palestine, they risk the other Muslim countries jumping in. All they can do is try to survive unless they get the US and Europe to fully back them.
The Palestinians dig tunnels into Israel’s territory just to throw bombs and grenadines at civilians. Woman, kids on their way home from school, etc.
After training with them in joint war games for a short time in the marines; I don’t think there is a national on earth that works harder to try not to injure or kill civilians. Far more effort than the US does, and far more than they really should.
I just can’t see the logic behind the other side’s logic.

@CourtJester This is not a question of "sides". This is about allowing political debate. There are plenty of people to speak up on Israel's behalf in both our govts, we should not seek silence one of the few nay-sayers. No matter how much we may disagree. Plus, I would think that someone who follows a party that has representatives who arguably break their pledge of allegiance might be more cautious about sanctioning alt-political views.
War is never pretty no matter which side you are on. If you look at the number of non-combatants killed and injured, then Isreal has inflicted far more casualties. Just because I think Isreal has a right to exist does not mean they have a blank cheque. One way to counterbalance that is to have alternative views aired. If you disagree then you can debate it but you cannot debate in a vacuum.
Btw name any Israeli PM of its 1st 50 years that was not on a wanted terrorist list at some time. They did exactly the same shit when they did not have an army. Oh and I have talked to British vets whose buddies were killed by their bombs

If somebody reluctantly allowed you to keep your home instead of bulldozing it and moving in, then turned around and pushed you back further, breaking a treaty, you would feel like "throwing stones" too! They live in a country owned by the "tenants", and they were the "landlords", and they can't even vote!

@CourtJester Who is to say the Jews have a more valid mythology than the Muslims? Is it because they claim that they are the "chosen people", and Jehovah made the world in 7 days just for them??!! Chosen by whom, themselves? Or do you, an Agnostic, believe they are right?And, by the way, the Palestinians aren't all Muslim. There are Christians and Jews there, too.


They simply have a right to live in Israel without having rockets shot at them from the Palestinians supported by Iran.
At the end of the debate, you are either for or against Iran.

@CourtJester Not quite true, I am "for" the majority if the Irnian people. I am "against" the current administration of Iran.

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