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LINK New Rule: Parliament Fights | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube

Poking fun at current events...

snytiger6 9 Feb 18

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Sure, I can see Democrats and Republicans working together....when Republicans renounce fascism and fake news. Not holding my breath.

Like pesi and coke going down smoothly. Lol.


Some good take aways here for sure. I look at Bill Maher more as an activist myself.


The new laws that allow lawmakers to carry firearms on the floor of the house should add a whole new dimension to violence in politics. There have been brawls in the house of representatives in the past and even a duel fought outside between congressmen back in 1838, looks like everything old will be new again.

The way the GOP go after one another, maybe the gun nutters will shoot each other!? 😊


He has a point, but making a work of art and compromising and cooperating on governing, where getting elected and staying in power to do it, involves not only accomplishing things, but getting enough credit for it is key to winning elections, is a whole other thing than making movies or TV shows. Because actors and directors can still keep getting work and making big money, even if they don't get all the public credit, as long as they are regarded as being highly talented in the industry, and even more so, if they are popular with the public and can draw viewers.


Glad I know martail arts, wail learning the art of not fighting.

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