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Religious friends keep sending me religious text?

I’ve noticed every time she send me a text message, she can’t say anything without mentioning her Christian religion or needing to remind me how Jesus loves me. She knows I don’t believe in Jesus Christ and she still sends messages like that. What should I do? I’ve mostly been ignoring her text messages cause I don’t want her to think she’s getting the best of me, but telling me something like that is like saying Edward Cullens love you. I’m convinced these are all acts of attempted manipulation, but I could be wrong. Tell me what you guys think. Leave your thoughts below.

EmeraldJewel 7 May 1

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I have a couple friends who do the same. They know I don't believe in sky pixies but they send me that stuff anyway. It might be best to respond by telling them how special they are, then leave it at that.


People like your friend never make to my cell contacts.


You not wrong, it is manipulative. Even people who do this to everyone they talk to, are being manipulative.


Not seeing the texts themselves (I am, not asking to see them), I can't really say what her intent might be... other than agreeing with other comments that say she doesn't respect you in the same way that she expects others to respect her.

There was a comedian, I forget who, sho said that behind every "bless your heart" is a little "fuck you!", and I kind of agree with that.

If it were me, and I am glad it isn't, I'd think up snaky replies.
"Jesus loves me?",
Then why doesn't he ever text me himself?
I took out a restraining order, so tell Jesus to leave me alone.
He can't even cut my lawn right.
Funny, he's never even sent me a card on my birthday...

In the end she needs to understand that if she wants you to respect her beliefs, then she needs to respect your non-beliefs.


If nothing else, I’d gradually put more and more distance between the friend and me.


Continue to ignore.


I have had family that have done that to me and I just nipped it in the bud. I've told them if they continue trying to prostilize, convert, or preach to me in any way that I would cut all ties with them. It works like a charm.

I will respect the fact that they believe in unicorns and I won't try to convince them that unicorns don't exist, since I don't know that for a fact. In turn, I don't want them to try and convince me that they do exist. If they don't respect that mutual agreement then I just terminate my association with them.


You could try telling her that her texts are insulting and annoying. Tell her that you understand that she is christian and thinks it is her duty to "save" you, but you do not share her belief and find her constant carping about her religion to be very off putting. Tell her that you would be fine remaining friends, but you won't be able to if she does not stop. After all, you are not trying to force your beliefs down her throat, why is she doing it to you? If she continues, in spite of an honest discussion, I would tell her that you are not going to be able to remain friends with her.


I would kindly remind her you are athiest-agnostic and you don't appreciate the text messages.


Tell her you had a vision of Jesus in your sleep and he said that you were doing great, but that he doesn't appreciate other people putting words in his mouth. Oh, and he also said to lay off the bacon or else.


I would just keep ignoring it all.


Just make the following quote:

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”-Lao Tzu


So is she really a friend if she does this all the time when she knows it is not your belief system? If she is a good friend or part of a group of friends, I would confront her and tell her that she is crossing a line. If she doesn't stop, block her. Frankly I doubt that I would call her a friend because she is not respectful


Yes I know I my middle child does it all.the time! I always overlook it! But I think actually think it is rude. wish u well.


Yes she is being manipulative. I would end my texts with something cryptic like "Freud forgives you" just to confuse her (but that's my sense of humour ?)


Respond with witty texts like "Man is the measure in all things." Protagoras;
"I will not be pushed, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own." Patrick McGoohan;
"Even traveling at the speed of light, an ascending Jesus would still be in this galaxy." Joseph Campbell.

RichE Level 5 May 1, 2018

Send her many atheists forwards....


The entire universe is based on vibrational frequency. I believe any type of mental concentration is sending out vibrations some call it meditation, some prayer some call it king about you. All are positive and good. If someone tells me they are praying for me I always say thank you as I truly believe good vibrations are always positive.


I would probably be a little blunt:-

"So Jesus loves me, does he?

"Bit difficult that, due to him not existing except in the minds of delusional christians. So Jesus loves me precicely as much as you are, yourself, loved by the equally non-existent giant, emerald-green fairy at the bottom of my garden.

"Do you really want to exchange fairy tales?"


I normally ignore those particularly to religion and appreciate those devoid of religion example motivational messages. Something that can make one thinks. When it happens so, they become happy for applauding them on that. Now, they don't send me religious messages anymore but inspirational messages, Love messages etc. I think they have realized it by themselves that my taste for religion is lacking in their perspective.


Respond with things like "Edward Cullens love you" or "Satan preserve you" or "Hulk Bless you."

Or even "Batman watches over thee"


Tell them that you have been converted to pornography, and send them some movies.


Tell them that you have been converted to pornography, and send them some movies.


Start sending her pornography. She'll either leave you alone or convert.


I had an auto body shop guy who is a leader of some yahoo sect. Once he fixed my car, and when I got it back, there were fliers everywhere. In the console, under the seats, between the seats, under the floor mats... I pulled down my visor and got a flier shower. I just laughed, and then burned them. People expect you to respect their beliefs, but they need to respect yours too. If they don't, they're probably not worth it.

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