Is there a number that you stick to or do you just float and see what happens?
It really depends on an individuals background. I venture to say that the vast majority of men seek the company of a woman for her sexual potential. so it should really be a matter of just a couple of meetings to procede and evaluate the degree of sexual compatible.
When to have sex with someone is really a personal thing. The right time is different for different people. I am not sure if you are talking about losing your virginity, or just having sex with a new person in general. If you are talking about losing your virginity, just make sure you have done your research first so that you are not completely lost when having sex for the first time. If it is your first time with that person, I would say whenever you feel comfortable enough with them to open up to them in that way.
I would say it is best to discuss boundaries, likes, and dislikes with someone before you sleep with them just to avoid uncomfortableness and misunderstandings. I would strongly encourage using protection, but that is a personal choice. I also personally think waiting until marriage is a bad idea because you are choosing to spend the rest of your life with someone before you even know if you are sexually compatible, but it is a personal choice that has worked for some people.
Very detailed. Good answer ?
Everyone has their own clock, but when I have strong feelings for someone, and it's been a while I start feeling a measure of rejection, and I will ask that person how they feel about me. If it get's interpreted as insecurity or pushy that's when I know it's not mutual.
Whenever you yourself decide. Don't go off of other people's times. Do it when it feels right and natural for you.
Before the viagra wears off?
Lol. Maybe keep the V in a pocket til you’re sure?!
I guess I'm just an old cynic, but I think we place far too much importance on sex and the notion that it needs to be a world-shattering expression of poetic romance on a par with Shakespeare and Donne. Sometimes it can be that. Sometimes it's a romp in the hay. Sometimes it's a satisfying one-night-stand. Sometimes it's a disaster. If you're considering doing the whoopee with someone be sure you're attracted to them that way, otherwise it's a crashing bore. Also, try to figure out whether your prospective partner would take advantage of you if you developed more than casual feelings of affection for them. Some people will use your goodwill to suck money and other favors from you. Others will get scared and dump you if they perceive that you are saddling them with the responsibility of a relationship. Some will be wonderful friends and partners. Try to figure out what you're dealing with before getting too carried away. I'm not sure what your situation is, so this is just general advice. Good luck!!!
Certainly not on the first date. I like to establish some amount of intellectual and emotional intimacy before sex, so maybe not even until after several dates. That's not to say I'm opposed to all physical contact, like cuddling and kissing.
So you're sapiosexual too. That's cool
@ashortbeauty lol Am I? I'm not sure.
@bingst sa·pi·o·sex·u·al
I honestly don't think there's a time period. I feel if the chemistry is right it can be the first date or tenth date
Well put
Float. I take a while to feel comfortable with someone, so I certainly won't begrudge anyone else for that.
As soon as ur death star is operational, it's time to fire the weapon.
@LadyAlyxandrea...valid point but isn't firing a 12 year old death star against the law??
@Razorjelly well I don't know, anymore. A lot of lawmakers get caught firing their death stars at 12 year olds regardless lol
So much importance and significance has been heaped on a basic human function. You can blame our religious culture dating back thousands of years.
Thanks, you said it much more succinctly than I did.
However long it takes for you to get comfortable with the idea of having sex with someone. It’s really a very individual thing.
I take it on a case by case basis. If it’s going well, we’re connecting, and the chemistry is there, I’ll go ahead.
I must have been waiting too long. I've sort of forgotten how it goes.
No longer than your body and mind will bear. Seek it, take it if offered. Worry later. Or not. Life’s too short. But don’t deceive anyone. If all you want is a shag, make sure they know that. ??