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Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it

Ya know I have a very hard time respected the religion . We as athiest or agnostics know it's bogus . Its a book that basically tells u what to believe is right or wrong and if u don't agree then your wrong and the co sequences are going to hell . The Bible itself is poorly written . One chapter gods this nice loveable person then the next he's growing babies and slaying baby's and cursing them ! So many people hate gays and lesbian people becus of the Bible . Whether I think it's nasty or not doesn't mean its wrong . I also hate the disrespect I get when I tel people I'm athiest. Why can't we think for ourselves ?

DavidDeLa89 6 May 3

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Christianity has one redeeming feature. Every 25th of December, the Christians are relatively nice to each other!


The most damaging things about Christianity in my opinion are:

Firstly the way in which in the evangelical world, it's so much a "me" thing, "my personal relationship with Jesus" and so forth. This causes so much tunnel vision about the plight of others -something the bible itself is not silent about - and makes it the badge of right-wing politicians keen to feather their own nests.

Secondly, making "sins" out of things which don't affect anyone else negatively is wrong. I have no right to tell anyone what other consenting adult they should or shouldn't have whatever kind of sex with. I have no right to tell a woman whether or not she should carry a to term. But Christians, especially political ones, think that they can apply their rules (which they invariably break themselves when it suits them) to everyone else including those who do not share their opinions.

Thirdly, perhaps most importantly, I think the whole concept of vicarious redemption is obnoxious. If you owe me a sum of , you can't pay, but your uncle hands me the that's the end of it as far as I'm concerned. But the same doesn't apply to crimes. If you rape and murder my child, I will not be happy about your uncle taking the punishment, you should, however sorry you were. I would be even less happy if your uncle simultaneously took the punishment for crimes committed against other people which let the perpetrators get away. Yet that in principle is what happens all the time in Christianity.

Oh yes and the whole sin thing and my disgrace is supposed to flow my 0-great grandmother having a chat with a snake - who incidentally was right (about not dying) where was wrong. What kind of justice is that supposed to be?

ANd if I don't believe all that crap I get a free ticket to the -running brimstone barbie.

"Good news"


The Bible was a book written as a means of control. Make no mistake, the people who wrote it also had/have their religion, but the lesser people of this world are not welcome to share it.

As such, Christianity in my opinion is a very bad thing, nothing more than a vector for slavery.


Man creates. Man destroys. Man created religion. An apocalyspe is predicted in many religions yes? Why strive when the end game designates otherwise?



Rip open the bellies of pregnant women, keep the virgins alive for your pleasure 2 Kings 8:12 in the error free kjbible you bet EVIL cannot bevreformed

@GreenAtheist I looked that up and discovered cross references to several other "ripping open women's bellies". The more I read the Old Testament, the more I realize that it God is very jealous, bloodthirsty at times, and petty. And for those against abortion I would ask why god is condoning it.


Why can't we think for ourselves ? Because most of us are cowards who feel better outsourcing our opinions than speaking our own words based on our own reasoning.
'It's not me saying gays deserve to die. GOD COMMANDS IT. WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION GOD?'
Or something along those brown lines of bullshit.

The most generous thing one can say about Christianity. It gives bad reasons to be good with a whole heap of baggage that ruins lives attached to it. The really pathetic part is the "good" part of the scripture is just common sense.
All Christianity can do is give you a really bad reason to be sensible. Don't murder people. Don't steal. Help the poor. etc. etc.
So banal.

That's mostly self-realized philosophy. "Do unto others"


it's delusional of course. sometimes it causes its practitioners to become nasty, even violent.



All religions are simply how civilizations, throughout history, explained how the universe works, until science and technology came into being for them.


Christianity, and pretty much all religions, is about controlling people. In order for the few to control the many you need some sort of superstition to exert oversite. Then you call all good fortune a reward and and all bad fortune punishment. It is not evil so much as primitive by nature, and this very nature has slowed progress by centuries.

Evil comes into play when you have it justify actions that are immoral while claiming to be the only true measure of morality. Slavery, misogyny, genocide, infanticide, subjugation, and much more are accepted if not encouraged while submission to authority is the underlying principle throughout. To be clear the evil requires human action as a result of interpretation. Otherwise it is no more evil than Greek Mythology or being a hardcore football fan.

Two quotes that help explain:

“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg

“To be fair, much of the Bible is not systematically evil but just plain weird, as you would expect of a chaotically cobbled-together anthology of disjointed documents, composed, revised, translated, distorted and 'improved' by hundreds of anonymous authors, editors and copyists, unknown to us and mostly unknown to each other, spanning nine centuries”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion


Belief in a higher being isn’t a problem for me - all people believe in something whether it themselves or the externalizations. Organized religion is where the problem starts. You get this tribalism where a group believes they are right and everyone else is wrong and then try to force their beliefs on everyone else. The teachings of Jesus create a solid foundation on how a person can live a good life - nothing wrong with that. It’s just been perverted and manipulated to meet a particular person’s agenda.

Everyone should be free to their own beliefs as long as they are not harmful to others.

It is bad, and also...

Christianity is bogus. It does great harm through its practitioners and like its sister religions, Judaism and
Islam subordinates women to men, wages war on the innocent and is destructive to progressive human development.


Do I think Christianity is bad.

Yes because Christianity is a religion and the foundation of religions are the dishonest "faith" (belief without evidence peddled as facts) (facts are supported by testable evidence) as an honest methodology to find "Truth". This is not only dishonest but it obfuscates the beauty of facts and reason over superstition. The outcome of religion is a mind programmed to accept assertions without evidence reducing the necessary critical thinking skills of skepticism to accurately assess the world.


I think most of Christianity's values are terrible: blind obedience, subjugation of women and children, exploitation of the Earth, aggressive proselytizing and eradication of non-believers. The world would be much better off without it. Bertrand Russell's "Why I am Not a Christian" makes the case very well.


There are many books and sections in the bible that are a great read. The gospels especially are excellent literate. Christianity, like all religions can have a tremendous uplifting and beneficial social impact on their societies. Like guns its not the item that's the problem its how the item is used.


In and of itself, pre-diddled with... I think it might have been very good. Unfortunately the ruling class seems to like twisting anything and everything to their own desires to control the masses and keep their power. People make and break religions.

Throw in a lack of understanding of various histories, language barriers and bad translations, and basic reading comprehension issues... most religions don't really stand much of a chance.

AmyLF Level 7 June 19, 2018

Christianity has ended up as total hypocrisy. thou shall not kill..., do unto others... , love thy neighbor as thyself... etc.


Christainity destroys more lives than it helps. It was destroying my live, because of my sexaulity. There is nothing wrong for a man to be attract to another man. I'm glad I'm an atheist now. I don't feel ashamed of who I am now. I'm to be free of the religious bs. I wish the world would see the light like we have.

P.A.T.C.H. a group on this site if you hate Christianity!


Yes, it's bad. All major religions are bad, except Buddhism; that one doesn't cause harm; at least it doesn't seem like it would.

oh wow! the double semi-colon! I think I'll leave it.

Buddhists in SE ASIA eagerly fought resistance wars against China France and USA not following the pacifism of monks burning themselves with gasoline or the Dali Lama. ....chanting mindlessly NA MYU YO HO REN GYE KYO fast is not much different than Catholic MASS against women's right to choose

Buddhism is stupid because it is a waste of time and effort! Sitting under a tree until reaching enlightenment is insanity! Buddhism teaches people to spend countless hour in meditation to better themselves when getting up and actually taking the steps to better yourself would make much more sense!

buddhism is a philosophy that followers turned into a religion. there are no gods to bow to or fear. its more about being a good person, doing as little harm as possible and not being an extremist about anything.
-im not a buddhist.
-someone will probable tell me im wrong.
-have a nice day.

@h_seldon Yeah, that. ?

@PalacinkyPDX Ethic cleansing is horrific. In my mind, they're not true Buddhists, so in that regard, it's bad; similar to bigoted hateful people who call themselves Christians, but don't bother practicing the teachings. That said, I don't really know that much about it. I read an Alan Watts book once, and liked his take on it.

I am very fortunate to live in a place where I don't have to pretend to be man just to survive.


The hate they spread around the world is bad.


I think it and all religions are false and we are never served by believing lies.


Christianity is the stupidest religion of them all. It is herd mentality at its best. They even call their followers sheep,and the flock! Their leaders are called shepherds! These people say only the poor can enter heaven and they live in $200,000 houses. They point out everyone else's so called sins and claim to be saved by grace when they sin. They blame a mystical creature called Satan for everything bad, and claim that their god-man Jesus floated into outer space on a cloud in front of hundreds of people after he physically rose from the dead! WTF

All religions are equally insane and have their violent sub cults of the many cults

If you like this quote join us on P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites a group on this site! You can find it by going to my home page and looking at my groups.


Why single our Christianity? All religions are bad!

Because all religions do not have a "call" to save everyone on the planet. Christians believe that the only reason they are still here and not floating in heaven on golden streets is because they have been called to bring everyone on the planet to their religion or fight them to death in a future battle called Armageddon. They call this insanity " the great commission. " The whole world is tired of being burdened by a religion that makes no sense, and the majority of wars are fueled by the Roman catholic church ever since they became the powerhouse of the world. That's why Christianity is the worst religion ever!


Yes faiths are evil THE OPPOSITE OF live. ..xians are bribing all with alleged heaven post mortem and making real hell of life on earth with theocracy creationism fascism of illegal war crime profiteering polluter oil poisoning of entire planet. ...all religions are WRONG


Upon second thought... I’d rather hump my neighbor as long as she is willing than kill her it’s lots more fun and a damnsite more pleasant

Vhk47 Level 3 May 15, 2018
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