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Check this one out! It reminds of a Christian in a chat room long ago who said he "wished" he could stop being Xtian so he could do anything he wanted.

So, what did he want to do? Rape? Pillage? Murder? Being Xtian never stopped many from having "illicit" sex.

Gwendolyn2018 9 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Damn that's sick


People fearing themselves is pretty sad.
However I believe once they buy the "original sin" nonsense free-floating guilt over everything is the only possible result.
It's Entirely possible they never have actually thought about whether they would actually run amok, just swallowed the You Are A Sinner crapola like a pelican scooping up a fish.


We Atheists could turn that around and say Silly believer, I know that god you believe in has stunted your intelligence so I take pity on you and won't shoot you with my second amendment rights. LOL


@Gwendolyn2018 Perhaps you forget that Nietzsche's "groups, parties, nations, and epochs wherein madness, is the rule" are, like companies, comprised of people!

@Gwendolyn2018 perhaps rather than using "madness" you should think in terms of "neurosis" & "psychoses". The old distinction between the two being that the neurotic know they have something mentally wrong with them, the psychotics are unaware of their ailment.
On such definition your god-botherers are mainly psychotic & unaware of their "madness" the same as in folies á trois in families where 2 members pretend that the third member who is psychotic is not. Are you arguing that we should all pretend that the madness does not exist?


This reminds me of the scene in After Life where Diane Morgan's character asks Ricky Gervais' character if he doesn't believe in a heaven and hell then why doesn't he just go around raping and murdering as much as he wants. And his response was he does. He does go around raping and murdering as much as we wants which is not at all.


What about the biblical text instructing believers to kill others for various reasons?


No he/she/it doesn't......


I guess that is one way of admitting to being a dumb and murderous psychopath.


That's the back-handed way of disavowing all the millions Christianity has killed in the past. Actually, it's a tacit reminder that they can and probably will kill again...

How about atheists like Mao Zedong, eh?

Indeed, I believe some small number of Russians were killed in the name of atheism, or the Communist Party's desire to promulgate atheism was less about believing in atheism and more about having an excuse to kill troublesome Orthodox Church leaders.

I believe the people being killed were killed for the advancement of Communist Party control, not atheism as a philosophical reply to religion.


A neighbor once said to me that it was impossible for someone to have morals without following God (paraphrased) In other words she was admitting to being a brainless and immoral being.


I recall godlessmom posted a similar convo she had with someone. (Paraphrasing) She said, "if believing in something keeps you from murdering and being a destructive human being, then yes, please keep believing in whatever you need to."

@Gwendolyn2018 as they say, "never trust someone who can off-load their guilt to an invisible deity."


Obviously, he doesn't really believe in God so much as he fears hell.

@Gwendolyn2018 like Mao Zedong!!

@Gwendolyn2018 why not? He supported women's rights, equality for women, women education, public schooling, universal Healthcare, everything you commies dream of in united states

@Gwendolyn2018 taxes is not capitalism. Where on earth can you keep what you earn and not pay taxes? Communism is global

@Gwendolyn2018 I've read Marx book. Some things he recommended: public schools, check, central banking, check, progressive income tax, check, much of the world is being forced under marxs dumb ideas.

@Gwendolyn2018 ad hominem

@Gwendolyn2018 loser


What he is telling me is he needs a leash to be an almost decent human.

@Gwendolyn2018 I'd be happier to have a heck of a lot more miles between us, and I don't even know where he is. His attitude says entitled prick much more than it says any denomination of Xian.


Well your belief in government stops you from doing things also. Beliefs control behavior

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