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LINK The Bible's Been Changed WAY More Than You Realize!

Since the Books of the Bible were first written, just how much has the Bible been changed? After the New Testament was compiled, how much was it edited, tweaked, and altered to fit the agendas of scribes, copyist, and early Church fathers. Were there other versions of the Bible? Did significant copying mistakes and translations errors find their way into our modern copies of the Bible?

If the Bible is the word of God and was divinely inspired, shouldn't it also have been divinely preserved? But has it been?

holykoolaid 6 July 20

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It's the same as Chinese whispers.


If the Bible had any inspiration in it, those who read it would be inspired. I've yet to hear of one such person.


Not many people were educated enough to write textural beliefs then, so I would say the first gospel came much later than what was previously believed. Once this all got going it was like a circus in so many ways. I have a relative who once told me that someday they will find the "original bible." WTF? So many people have no idea what they are talking about and the big book proves nothing.


Does it really matter ?. It is all based on mythology anyway,.


Believing in the bible literally is literally impossible.

I disagree. I have encountered people who believe the Bible is literally true. I regard such people as being absurdly irrational.

l@anglophone Sounds more like you actually agree.


It's......a long-ish, rather informative, somewhat interesting, 🤢😂

Technically, this post violates the site rules.

The commercial nature of it does raise suspicion.

I'd like to see the thing thoroughly fact checked.


Most stories in the bible are just recycled and reworked myths from earlier religions and culture ...


What a royal cluster fuck.

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