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LINK FBI reports increase in anti-LGBTQ hate crimes -- The Hill

By Brooke Migdon - 09/24/24

Hate crimes motivated by anti-LGBTQ animus rose again last year, according to FBI data published Monday, a troubling increase that gay and transgender rights advocates believe is linked to ramped-up rhetoric and legislation targeting the community.

“Every lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer person in this country should be free to live their lives without fear that we’ll be the target of a violent incident purely because of who we are and who we love,” said Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ civil rights organization.

“Make no mistake,” she added, “politicians who spread disinformation and demonize our lives are contributing to this violence.”

While violent crime in the U.S. fell roughly 3 percent from 2022 to 2023, hate crimes were largely unchanged, according to the FBI report. Sexual orientation and gender identity ranked as the third and fourth most prevalent bias motivation in 2023, behind race and ethnicity — which accounted for more than 50 percent of all hate crimes last year — and religion.

The FBI recorded 2,402 incidents related to a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation in 2023, up from 1,947 in 2022. Incidents related to an individual’s gender identity totaled 547 last year, compared with 469 in 2022.

More than 20 percent of hate crimes reported in 2023 were motivated by anti-LGBTQ bias, according to Monday’s FBI report, roughly unchanged from 2022.

“This trend needs to end,” Robinson said. “It’s time we build an America where LGBTQ+ folks don’t just survive, they thrive — in every town, every state, every corner of this nation. That’s not just a dream, it’s our fundamental right as Americans.”

Last summer, the Human Rights Campaign declared a national state of emergency for LGBTQ people in the U.S. for the first time in its 40-year history, citing the passage of laws that target the community. At least 530 anti-LGBTQ bills were filed this year in state legislatures, according to the ACLU, though most of them — 343 bills — failed to become law.

In 2022, the then-Democratic-controlled House held a first-of-its-kind hearing examining the connection between anti-LGBTQ policies and rhetoric to violence against LGBTQ people in the U.S. In June, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security warned that Pride celebrations are likely targets for foreign terrorist organizations, and the State Department in a separate warning said U.S. citizens traveling abroad during Pride Month should “stay alert” in locations frequented by tourists, including “venues frequented by LGBTQI+ persons.”

snytiger6 9 Sep 25

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Ain't it funny how so-called Christians are so ready to judge others, point the finger, and throw the first stone, when this is exactly what Jesus preached against?

Lately we have been hearing about the lieutenant governor of North Carolina, who wears the Christian cross and American flag lapel pin, enjoys tranny porn, and says (of "wicked" people) "...some folks just need killing." It's clear that Robinson lumps LGBTQ+ people in with rapists and murderers in the "wicked" category. And his Evangelical supporters refuse to believe that he has styled himself as a "black Nazi" in an online porn site, and has articulated his own desire for the return of slavery. Yeah, they're going to vote for him anyway. 🙄



So, now they are trying to blame it on other countries. How about looking inside what is happening.


Be woke or be a joke.


Obviously this is a part of the MAGA agenda. It took a while for me to realize what this meant but now it's crystal clear. These fools think it's about the serious problems stemming from our embrace of modernity in allowing abortion and more equal rights to those that were once condemned. This openness to the 'woke' agenda is the source of everything bad, high prices, crowds everywhere, people leaving [a] god and on and on. Of course modern cars, cell phones and computer technology and now even bitcoins are okay. SO how do they react; with the tried and proven ways of old, violence. Basically, we referred to this movement as the 'regress express.' Of course those of us in the 'Woke' world know you cannot bring back old times and those who do will die trying. Too bad so many of us are caught in the middle.

To me, the important thing is to realize that they are serious about using violence to oppress or put their perceived enemies back in their place. And they have plenty of allies and sympathizers in the cops, so I take them seriously for the future here, and will prepare to defend myself against them with lethal force, if it comes to that. Since I really don't see this going away and I am not going to blindly rely on non violence as a response to their planned violence against me and others that oppose their movement.

@TomMcGiverin The big problem with violence as a component is that what goes around comes around. We could end up like many countries in Africa and become in a constant state of war.

Bitcoin and the other non-fungible block chain artifacts are a great big Ponzi scheme. No surprise that Trump is promising them regulatory relief and taking in big campaign donations from them. Don't be surprised when America's greatest con man launches his own cryptocurrency. He's already setting up a clearinghouse where he and his criminal sons will be able to skim off a percentage from transactions in existing NFTs.


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