30 8

You decide the consequences..

If you were made responsible for coming up with a new punishment for convicted murderers, aside from life imprisonment and the death penalty, what would it be?

AMGT 8 May 14

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Solitaire for life.


I'd force them to work in the Trump cabinet.

For sure ha!

They would fit right in!




No death penalty... Ever. Study as to why they did what they did is important. The death penalty is extremely costly for tax payers and no one has the right to take the life of another, with the exception of saving a life in that moment.


That's a weird question. How are we defining murderer? What type of murderer? When is a murderer not a murderer? A lot depends on the color of your skin doesn't it?

Is a soldier, who is also a person, a murderer if he goes to another country and kills people that never did anything wrong to him or us? Is a President that sends troops to kill people that never harmed us a murderer?

Is George Zimmerman a murderer? Obviously not but Trayvon Martin is still dead.
Is the cop that killed Michael brown a murderer? Obviously not, he even got a million dollars given to him.
Is the cop that shot Phil Castille a murderer?

Is the man that came home and found his wife in bed with another man and killed them both a murderer? Can he be rehabilitated? Would he ever do that again? Not likely.

Is a drunk driver that kills a family a murderer?

When is a murderer not a murderer when is an innocent person a murderer?

Interesting. Society dedicated who were not the murderer's in the cases you presented. Certainly I would have done otherwise

I would say that Zimmerman is definitely a murderer. He created the conditions that panicked Trayvon Martin, and then killed Martin when a scuffle ensued. Nothing about what Zimmerman did was justifed.


Frontal lobotomy, then off to work in a uranium or coal mine. Not feeling charitable today.


First off - neutering. Quell the beast within. Then on to other ideas ...

What if the murderer doesn’t have testicles?

@Deemo The term "neuter" can apply to either. Ovaries - testicles, whatever ! ha


Forced labor of love. Crothet hats for cancer patients, plant trees, paint dilapidated homes for seniors, etc.

Just let them crotchet hats or anything else, let them be bored to suicide.

That sounds too vacation like to me....

@Qualia I believe it would be the best chance for rehabilitation, even if I think they shouldn't ever be allowed back into society. Punishment is not a deterrent.

@Nottheonlyone If I had cancer I would not want a fucking hat, tree or anything else "courtesy" of vicious murderer.... No thanks. Gross. There are too many good people in this world. I may be an atheist but that would CREEP ME THE FUCK OUT.

@Qualia I'm just saying if you're going to keep them alive, make them contribute to, as opposed to being a drain on society. Anonymity works.

I love making hats and find it extremely soothing. Might this be something previously missing in their lives?

@Holysocks Sorry but I would not give a 2nd thought to any sort of "empathy" if say, a pedophile or murderer did anything to my loved ones. The last thing I'd be thinking about would be how "enriched" their lives were prior. NO. Knitting is a privilege for that kind. I'm not budging on this. If that makes me cruel so be it.

Now.... if it was purely a freak Idk.... I'm thinking in purely psychotic evil person having hurt a loved one.... not someone who escaped a mental institution or something. On that I'm out, not gonna split hairs over this.

@Nottheonlyone Ok, well as far as the anonymous thing goes, thanks for my having to consider that in the future, say I ever needed a "hat"....

@Qualia It's not a thing. Its just how I answered the question. You're in no real danger of getting a crocheted hat from a murderer. I'm not in charge, and I wouldn't want to be.


I think they should be put on a farm to grow fruits and vegetables to feed homeless and needy families.


Not comfortable with only punishment and no chance for redemption.


Put them in a locked room with no one but the victims's loved ones. Let them decide what happens to them.


Sorry, I'm a bit biblical on this one; you murder, you forfeit your life. I'd do what the Army did to (some) Vietnamese prisoners when interrogating them: up in a helicopter, and kick them out. Sorry if that's barbaric, but murderers get no mercy in my book. If they lived, then they go to a deserted island.

Hmmm.... Austrailians might have something to say about that. England dumped their worst criminals on an isolated island. This might encourage people....


Black Mirror has a great episode about this...

I saw that, it was very intriguing.

@AMGT dunno the season. SPOILER ALERT..........................A whole "justice theme park" is created for the public to be oberserve and (in some ways) participate in the egregious, repeated psychological torture of criminals, through carefully crafted and staged dramas that draw heavily on the nature and circumstances of the crime. (You don't find this out until the very end of the episode.). Like any particulary good episode of BM, it has you questioning the "righteousness" of the good guys and checking the intactness of your sense of empathy and justice.

@AMGT Probably skip this one. Yeah, definitely skip this one....

I thought that sounded familiar, great episode. It was at a museum in the desert if I recall

@buzz13 not the one I was thinking about, but another good submission nonetheless


It is hard for me to think of something that would not involve containment of a dangerous person but if you can accept an ankle bracelet... That they would have to be involved in work that would serve humanity say like replanting forests, and they would have to be involved in some kind of activity that required them to examine the motives of their actions in general and in particular.You always ask hard questions


They would have to watch every Elvis movie ever made on a loop 24 hrs a day for the rest of their lives. While eating, sleeping, whatever they do it's there.

NOOOOOO!!! my dad loves Elvis and I grew up watching his movies... Over and over...

@Joenobody. lol. ?


Well damn.... @Condor5 had the answer i liked.


I like the way the Germans approach this problem. They're treated like people. They rehabilitate them and prepare them educationally to enter the real world.


Whatever the family decides.... 4 draft horses tethered strategically maybe.... depending. That might be too elegant an ending.... YMMV
Depends how menopausal I'm feeling at the time. If it's anything to do with my kid, dogs, certain loved ones, all bets are off... I wouldn't play, and I don't forgive anything that puts my dearest loves in jeopardy. Yes, I have a dark primitive side....


Being forced to watch and listen to Trump, Republicans, and Trump supporters 24/7.

marga Level 7 May 14, 2018

I got all serious in my reply. I think you hit the nail on the head

Have them watch and listen to Sean Spicer forever.


I do not seek to punish. I seek to change behavior. With science we can now see into the brain. We must study why aberrant behavior occurs & correct it. Those that are a danger to society must be segregated. They must make restitution in some manner to the victims of their crime. With the recidivism rates at the level they are, punishment does not work. It is probably what brought them to prison in the first place. Excessive punishment as a child that changed the brain with stress chemicals or imprinting. As our species gains knowledge in this area we must adapt our attitudes towards restitution & treatment. If we do execute as we do currently, the guillotine is the most efficient, humane & accurate method, perfected by the Nazis. Why not harvest organs to reduce the suffering of those who are awaiting a transplant. This may sound barbaric but only to those who must employ these options. US.


Cause them to relive the victims emotions before death, every day. Make them have real, piss in their pants fear and anguish and dread and sadness and lost hope.


To put them in a room with the body of the person they murdered and force them to sit quietly and read about the life of that person. Learn about his children and work and immerse themselves in the lives of the victim and his family. For a long time. No other contact.


Torture with a methodology similar to their crime’s.


I think our rules concerning cruel and unusual punishment here in the US are too strict.
Violent criminals have it way too easy as far as I'm concerned.

The nature of the crimes they have committed should be taken into consideration when sentencing occurs.
The sentence should fit the crime more equally.

This would also go a long way toward people pleading guilty to get a lesser sentence.


For 1 month..Stuck in a room where nothing but Nickelback and Justin Bieber play non-stop.

Hahahaha! You are heartless!

@Holysocks well it's that or stick em in a cage with the punishment gorilla...Basically take a male gorilla.. feed it a steady diet of pcp and Viagra and instead of jail time..You can spend time with the punishment gorilla and if you come out alive...All is forgiven.


I've long held that murderers (if 100% sure through forensics or caught in the act) should die as they killed. If you kill by strangulation, you should be strangled. Stab someone to death? You should also be. Rape and murder someone by gun? Get inmates to do the raping, then put as many bullets in the murderer in the locations they shot their victims. If they don't die from the initial bullets... Let them bleed out.

I have zero sympathy for them and would volunteer to help with the executions if needed.


I would recommend that intensive educational efforts be made to rehabilitate them and treat any mental illness. At the same time, I would like to see them do hard labor for the public good 8 hours/day, Monday through Friday.

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