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Are you happily married?

What makes you happy or unhappy?

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Kbdank71 7 May 15

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I was. She died.


Wow, I'm the only one that's voted "Yes, Mostly Happy?" Damn, people...

Secret for "Mostly Happy?" Never stop working! Every day.

busy hands happy heart. here's hoping for no economic downturn. seems to bring out the worst in people


Marriage is a 24/7 job. Seriously, you have to give it your all. It's much like a bank account, if you make more withdrawals than deposits, it becomes seriously depleted.

Very wise words.


I'm happily divorced!


I am happy.

It's got nothing to do with my relationship status. And, looking back, I don't think my happiness ever was the result of the relationships I was or wasn't in. Rather, the inverse might be true. Maybe the quality of my relationships were influenced by my level of happiness. What came first thing...chicken or the egg. Happiness or contentment I think is the place to begin (in oneself) and all things roll off from that. Just a thought.

Agreed completely. Contentment is the key point. There are bound to be ups and downs, it in the nature of human friendships, sexual or otherwise.


Going on 59 very happy years.

You have a decade over me, Sire. Aren't our wives saints!

@Petter Yes and so is my family


Nothing says a true loving marriage like ten years spent picking another persons shitty underwear off the bathroom floor and not once feeling the urge to strangle them with it in their sleep! Lol. Now if only the socks would make it from being thrown into the basket, not on floor next to it but even that's an acomplishment, considering it took seven years to get that close! Consistancy in always lowering your expectations is key to happy marriage! Kind of like haggling!


Two down. No more thanks.

Not that I'm against it, or have a bitter aftertaste - but I find single works better for me !

Same ...two strikes.
Ain't gonna be a third.

I can see why.

@Marine ...and what does that mean ?

@evergreen You really must want to put in the effort to make it work. I see some of these guys and women who spend the weekends in a bar alone leaving the spouse at home with no inter action.Compromise is the rule all married must employ

@Marine that's true in any relationship, isn't it ?
Never drank in my life - so I can't relate to the rest ...


Happily divorced. It was a good decision, we're both much happier.


Isn't 'happily married' an oxymoron??

nawww...marriage is what you make of it.

Only in jocular terms. Such as in saying "We have a truly sharing marriage. I have the happy - my wife attends to the unhappy."


I am unhappily divorced. I tried everything I could to get her to get serious help for an addiction. Would have stood by her all the way, but she was lying about going and not applying the techniques that could help.

Sorry you are better off now though .


I'm not even happily single!



I was, and it was bliss for a time, then things changed and were the polar opposite after that.


Happily married. What were the chances that our paths would cross? Neither of us were looking for a companion. Yet, it happened.

@Cherie44 Met mine in a pantomime rehearsal 53 years ago. Our life has been a "pantomime" ever since. i.e. has wicked villains, love scenes and comedy, and is generally humourous.


I tried the married thing once. Don't need to do that again.

Completely agree


I once heard a comedian on television say "I'm happily married, but my husband isn't".

Marriage is a wonderful fount of some excellent comedy.


Marriage is betting someone half your stuff, that they'll love you forever.
Strictly financially speaking, it's a bad bet.


Happily single.


My ex handled the gender change, but the change in sexuality was too much for her (us).

I'm much happier since she left, and love living alone. It does get lonely at bedtime, though.

The poll results surprise me. I wasn't expecting the single/married ratio to be so high.


I used to be happily married... I am not sure how this sounds but I have fallen out of love with my wife. People ask me why I don't leave her. The reason is quite complicated... one thing is that she has chronic pain and is on heavy pain medications. Anyone that has had a family member on high doses of pain medications knows what it is like. One reason that I stay with her so she has medical coverage.

I have come to realize that as long as I stay in my marriage I will not be happy and I have to make changes in my life if I want happiness.


I was very unhappily Married if that counts.


Happiness is my own responsibility.
My husband and I have been together 10 years and we have our ups and downs but happiness should be when I feel grateful being able to wake up next to my best friend everyday for the rest of my life.

Everything else is a bonus.
Does that make sense?


This May I will be married for 52 years, I have worked real hard, because I believe that is what it takes to make a marriage successful, almost like a business. She is my soul mate, and my best friend, we are so much in love, that we made a pact, that who ever goes 1st, the other will follow, we absolutely can not live without each other. To this day, I can't keep my hands off her, and i must tell her 10 times a day how much i love her. I was very lucky, I went with her for over a year, and stayed in her home over the weekends, she live with her grandparents and her own parents. I got to see the love and respect she had for her family, and in reality, i fell in love with her family , before i fell in love for her. I am so sick and tired of going to weddings, and sitting in the audience, and hearing people say around me, well if they don't make it work, they can always get a divorce. Very sad, I am a very young 77 and my wife a very young 74, we don't act our age, and most of our friends are in the 40's and 50's. People our age are too old for us sometime, in their thinking and acting. All I can wish for those of you that want to find happiness in a significant other, is try not to be jealous or controlling or possessive.


Happily divorced


I haven't been capture yet...I wouldn't know

The "joy" awaits you. šŸ™‚


Iā€™m m a widower.

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