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Who is your favorite Atheist?

Anyone in history...which ones do you admire?

lkahleski 6 May 15

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Carl Sagan. He first got me interested in science. It was a stepping stone to my freethinking which is who I am today. I greatly admire the man and his legacy.

ballou Level 8 May 16, 2018


@balou Yes!!!!


George Carlin

George was so funny and made his points about his atheism and being funny about it. How many people could pull that one off? Not many.


Among the living: Tracie Harris, of "The Atheist Experience." I admire her clarity of thought, her honesty, the completeness of her presentations, the gentle & respectful way she addresses the show's callers, and her good-natured & sometimes bawdy sense of humor. She's taken atheism to the Ambassador level, and yet she's still very approachable in person.

Godot Level 7 May 16, 2018

I'd love to meet Tracy. She s one of the quickest thinking and best at expressing herself of any I've ever listened to.



I don't always agree with him, but he can tell you to go fuck yourself so eloquently.

If you wanted to debate Hitch, you were asking for a technical knockout!

@balou So true. That man was the most brilliant debater around.


Bill Maher


George Carlin as someone else also stated.


Bertrand Russell
His books literally changed my life


ME ...

I will add that Robert G. Ingersoll, Bertrand Russell, Carl Sagan are tops on my list


The man i admired the most was without question the late great Christopher Hitchens followed closely by prof. Richerd Dawkins and Sam Harris

All three are three of my own favorites.


Carl Sagan. That man was a legend. A true luminary. And one of the smartest and nicest people to ever live, or so I've been told. A rare breed indeed.

I posted the same.


My kids, and, me....they are so strong. And, any who have fought for the right to think. No matter the race...

Exactly what I was going to say

@ashortbeauty Great minds think a like!!!! ????


Hitchens, Dawkins, James Randi, Stephen Hawking, and PZ Myers pop to mind first. Long list though, and I just finished Penn Jillett’s “God, No,” so he is close also.


Sam Harris. Also props to comedian Jim Jefferies and former NFL running backs Arian Foster and Robert Smith.

Check out Jim Jefferies:

Foster. Good one.

Love Sam Harris' mind


So many to choose from, but Jonathan Miller is pretty awesome.

cool. thanks for posting!


Matt Dillahunty


My brother Dale (author of such great humanist books as “Atheism For Dummies,” “Raising Freethinkers,” “Parenting Beyond Belief” and “In Faith and In Doubt) is one of the most rational and compassionate people I know. Dale’s kids are living proof that religion is not a fundamental requirement for raising a moral and loving family.


The living....Tyson, Gervais, Jefferies.
The no longer with us.... Hawking and Carlin.


Assuming we're talking about famous people/celebrities (e.g., not "myself" ), probably Penn Jillette. Also Katherine Hepburn, Frank Zappa, and Charlie Chaplin.


Forgot about Carlin. Loved that guy


The rudest yet serious is jim jeffries, if you have not googled him then do so but beware his atheist outlook on jokes are best heard with ear plugs lol

He's great.

I love Jim Jefferies, seen him live before. It’s cool he has his own show on Comedy Central on tuesdays now.

I think he doesn't believe in Trump either!

My curiosity got the best of me again. Now I gotta go check out who he is lol


Mark Twain

Honorable mention goes to (in random order)
Sinclair Lewis
Lewis Sinclair
George Carlin
Bill Maher
Albert Eisnstein
Stephen Hawkings

and others I can't think of off hand

Mark Twain is an awesome one!


Was David Silverman until he did some awful shit that got him fired from American Atheists. Richard Dawkins is unashamedly Atheist and is an excellent representative of non-believers.

Marz Level 7 May 16, 2018

Dawkins...a beautifully scientific man....but I must say that Ricky Gervais has made me laugh most recently


ME! oh and Nikola Tesla


The late Steven Hawking

N7EIE Level 6 May 15, 2018
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