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If a woman wants an abortion should the father have a right to keep the child?

In the U.S. a woman has a right to an abortion. As far as I know, if she has the child and files a paternity suit, the father has to pay support for the child, whether he wanted it or not. Other than by adoption, a man can't have HIS OWN child without a woman bearing that child. A woman can't have HER OWN child without a man. Outside of some guy duping some woman into sex, both parties know the possible outcome. Since a man can't get his own child any other way, shouldn't he have a right to HIS child? He certainly has to pay for it if he doesn't want it and the woman does. Yeah, yeah, I can hear the "it's the woman's body..she has to bear the child" etc. stuff, but she knew what she was getting into when she had the sex.

For those of you who took the time to consider the man's point of view I thank you, regardless
of your vote.

For those of you who decided to make personal attacks because I dared to ask the question, you know what you can do--also re-read the civility pledge you made when you joined the site.

For all of you, please remember freedom of speech. Without it and your precious law that says you have a right to abortion, you wouldn't have it. Try and let everyone have an opinion, but at a minimum let them asks questions whether you like them or not. Thanks for confirming my opinion of humanity

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lerlo 8 May 20

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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Sure, the woman can abort and the guy can try to get custody of the clump of cells.
Good luck.

Boom. Checkmate.


@lerlo your post is demeaning and completely ignores the fact that any woman in this situation would be forced to give up a year of her life,Suffer and risk all the health problems that come with pregnancy and childbirth and you completely ignore that fact in your question. People are angry at you because your basic premise seems to be that a woman has no rights to her own body if a man "wants" a child. You seem to think that a man wanting a child carries more weight than a womans right to her own body and what happens to it. That's reprehensible.


Short answer, it would be wrong to force a medical decision on anyone, there for it's wrong to give the father rights to the mother's womb...

On the other hand pregnancy is not always concentual, and accepting semen does not denote an offer of prolonged relationship of financial support.

The flip side of choice is responsibility.

Your choice, you responsibility

Guess you're forgetting the child inside the womb...and the courts guarantee lifetime financial support or at least in theory...


I will qualify this by saying that if a woman wants an abortion, it should be her decision only. If the father wants the child to raise AND the woman agrees to that condition AND wants to take to term, then the father has the right to his child. There are ALWAYS extenuating circumstances that arise.


Do you realize that in 2018 women still die giving birth? So you want to insist that I carry through a pregnancy that could end up costing my life. What are you willing to pay me that would equal that cost? Lets say I don't die. I admit it is rare, and utterly tragic when it does happen. But I carry the baby for 9 months. My kidneys, liver, heart, bladder, muscles, ligaments and tendons will never be the same. What is the price for that? After birth even with modern medicine my milk is going to come in. I will be uncomfortable, hormonal, and physically debilitated for at least 6 to 8 weeks. Not to mention that your body NEVER goes back to prepregnancy shape. Can you really afford that? I'm not willing to do that for a schmoe I had a one night stand with. If you want a baby hire a surrogate with a contract that spells out everything. And yes, if a woman wants a baby there are sperm banks out there, she can do it without involving a biological father. No it doesn't seem fair but life is like that sometimes.


The father should have the right to keep the aborted fetus, and to raise it as his child if he can animate it. Maybe he can give the fetus CPR until something happens, then he can stick iv's in it if he can find veins, and pump it full of nutrition, and he can keep it warm so it doesn't freeze.
On second thought, he can't be the mother, so let him dr


Unfortunate for the man but in this case I'd say having the child in your uterus gives you the tie breaking vote.


Consent to sex does not equal consent to getting pregnant, even if it is a risk. Consent to getting pregnant does not equal consent to carry to term. I am not for forcing a person to do something they do not consent to.


The father can have the child as long as he can provide for it's gestation. No woman should be forced to gestate.

It's not completely far fetched to think that medical science might yet find a way to transplant an embryo between a donor and a surrogate, or that gestation chambers other than a uterus might yet be invented.

I do agree that the laws need revisited regarding who chooses to continue a pregnancy vs who does not and the legal (financial) rights stemming from that stand if properly documented.

Zster Level 8 May 20, 2018



that was easy to vote on but I feel a little uneasy at the plight of the male. let's hope nobody lets the male know there is / was a problem !!!


I don’t feel that a man should have the right to prevent a woman from having an abortion. The way I see it, if a man chose to have unprotected sex with me, knowing that I’m not on birth control, then his decision has already been made. He chose to give me his sperm, but it’s my choice on what I can and will do with it. Plus, as many others have stated, why can’t the man just find someone who does want to have his child instead of forcing someone to have his child??


Forcing her to risk her life is immoral.


If he can carry it, he can keep it!


I don't get why this is still a question. What part of my body, my choice is so hard to understand?


A man should absolutely have a say! If he wants the child, the fetus can be transferred to his body and he can give birth to it.

Wait, that's not medically possible?

Then no, a man has zero say in the matter.

d_day Level 7 May 21, 2018

You are wrong in the point that a woman can`t have a child without a man. There are sperm banks and technology is moving toward female-female reproduction. However I will agree that men should be consulted about the decision. The final choice would be the womans of course but there are factors that might affect the womans choice. He may have a terminal disease, it may be hereditary. This would affect child support. He may be the sole heir to a fortune or the last of his tribe. It is unfair that a man has no say but life is not fair.

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