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If you had to choose between keeping 30 grand or bailing a loved one out of prison with the money, which one would you choose?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 27

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This would have to be tested in real life


If we're talking about a $30,000.00 bond, chances are you're looking at an individual who is being charged with a pretty serious crime as well as presentation to the court of compelling suspicion by the authorities. Either that, or the authorities feel as though the individual poses a big flight risk.

I keep the money.

30ooo fuk that


It depends on who it is, what they are alleged to have done, and what were the circumstances leading up to the alleged crime.
Too many variables to give a simple "yes" or "no" answer.


I probably would not pay bail, but I would send thoughts and prayers!


If bail was a 1/4 of the $30K, I might consider it - if it's all of the $30K - no way. I am a husband, father, grandfather and homeowner - it would be irresponsible of me to drain the entire savings account for the sake of one. As they say on TNG - "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one".


That’s what bail bondsmen are for. Your loved one won’t learn anything if you bailed them out. They need to step up and deal with the consequences of their actions.


Depends on what they were in for.


It depends who and why they were there and if I thought they would show up for their court appearances. You do get the money back if they show up.

MsAl Level 8 May 27, 2018

Depends on what I'm bailing them out for and whether they are innocent or guilty.


Keep the money. There's no one I love in prison. If one did go to prison and they were guilty, nope, not bailing them out. If they're innocent, and the system illegally put them there, I would exhaust all avenues legally. If the system refuses to do the legal thing, then I'd break them out. If a system is dishonorable, it takes an honorable person to get them out.


Depends on what they are in for. I most likely won't bail anyone out if it's their own fault having ended up in jail


Nobody I even know, let alone love, is in prison or jail so, easy peasy.


I think it really depends on the crime


Depends on the relative and what they did. But probably not. Not sure I like anyone $30 grand worth 😉

Ozman Level 7 May 28, 2018

Depends what did they do?




I've given several grand to people I thought were friends. My dumb arse will probably do it again.


Keep the money. Everyone who knows me, knows I will never post bail. Call someone else.


did 6 months in jail....another 6 alchol leg monitor. dui learned my lesson. fuck ya


Um... Bail. There is enough greed and money hoarding among christians. I can't see a better way to spend the money than giving a loved one a second chance. If they squander if then that is on them. All we have control over is our actions. Just because someone is in jail on charges doesn't make them bad or guilty even.


Keeping 30 grand.... I would pay for my wife only.


Keep the money, and set up a Go Fund me page for the loved one in question!


30 grand is a hefty bond which would mean significant charges... I’d think long and hard before putting yourself on the line for it.


It all depends on the who and the circumstances of their incarceration.


Pretty sure that's not how prison works. Now, if they've landed themselves in jail for whatever reason, I don't feel any obligation to foot the bill to get them out. Clearly they are in for a reason and maybe some time in jail would be time to reflect on the error of their ways.

GwenC Level 7 May 28, 2018

Keep the 30K, go to bail bonds with their parents to get bond posted.

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