So small things that make a girl feel so good? Today, talking with my attorney, he interrupts himself and says ~ this has nothing to do with anything but when I talked to John, (His partner I worked with last) I asked him how old he thought you were and he said 34. ~ Then went back to discussing our business. Remember when you were young enough that that would have been insulting? Yeah, me neither.
It's super because I'm only 27 but I got ID'd last week and the guy said he thought I'd me 22 maybe..
Someone told me,"your son is awesome." He is, you know, he has some mad mechanical skills and can renovate a home to look like something on TV.
People think I'm 35 face to face...
On line - people on line think I'm 28.
@pepperjones I agree!!! Wish I looked more my age out and about... but on-line I like thinking younger than I am. I'd hate to be locked into what other GenX's think of the world, Christ they are such a part of the problem, not standing up to boomers.
So you do know that everyone is going to check out your profile pics to try and figure out what your actual age is. It's true, you don't look your age.
@pepperjones You didn't list your age but I was guessing you were 42 to 45 and looking a lot younger. I better not apply for that Guess Your Age job at the circus, I'd be giving you money for a bad guess.
"You look your age". I'm grateful for small mercies lol
@pepperjones and there it is, the small thing that someone has told me that made me feel good !!!!!!!...well, back at you faster than the speed of light !!! You are the best !!
"You're sexy and mysterious. Without a picture". LOL
@pepperjones I dunno...seemed pretty serious.
@pepperjones It's why there's still no pic!
@pepperjones Yah there's that too. But I'm trying to be alluring.
@pepperjones Can't blame you. You're a babe.
@pepperjones Backatcha!
Actually, just recently someone said something to me on this site that made me feel pretty good about myself. I'd tell that person, but I am too self conscious to make it public and cannot send a pm. Maybe they will see this,
Other than that it was my nephew telling me that I'm the only person he can talk to.
By far the best ever was my daughter calling me at work a few months ago to tell me that I taught her to be confident and made her feel like she had value. We've had our conflicts, but that is probably the best thing anyone has ever said to me.
My partner and I don't live together though we live in the same sheltered accommodation and we share a van, meals and walks etc. and I-player time in the evening for a few hours, I do the things i am most capable of and he does the same. We have a goodnight ritual which is silly but fun and expressive and makes us laugh it get s bits added on or different expressions to go with the words and actions - Makes us laugh every night!