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New Florida Law Allows Providers To Deny People Healthcare Based On ‘Moral Objections’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has just signed Senate Bill 1580, the “Protections of Medical Conscience,” into law, allowing Florida healthcare providers and insurance companies to refuse services based on their moral, ethical, or religious beliefs. That’s right, folks; patients in Florida will soon be facing denial of care or insurance payment for almost anything if some medical professional or insurance company claims they have a moral objection. You know, like if you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, or perhaps you’re of the wrong religion or political beliefs, or maybe you’re an “unwed mother.”

Holy shit, who the hell lobbied for this bill, anyway? The Undertakers? Talk about “Death Panels!” I mean, only Florida and Gov. DeSantis could turn Doctors practicing the cherished “Hippocratic Oath” into a bunch of “Hypocritic Oafs.” Of course, insurance companies are all in for this new law. Turns out they’re “morally opposed” to any medical procedure which might cost them money. Who knew? I thought Nationwide was supposed to be “on my side."

So, let me get this straight, insurance companies are now the moral compass in Florida? What could go wrong there? Me thinks that old “Law of Unintended Consequences” should start kicking in pretty darn soon for these half-wits. Just think, now Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Democrats, Libertarians, and Republicans - can all legally refuse to treat one another.

I tell ya, this law is pure genius! Well, perhaps just a wee-bit short of genius, but you get the idea. And what about veterinarians? Can they refuse service to my neighbor’s dogs because they’re black, because they’re two females, and they sleep together in the same bed? Not to mention a dog’s sexual mores. I mean, dogs will hump almost anything, including chairs. Of course, so will most Republicans, so there’s that.

Now, the only question that remains is, what will those Republicans’ "conscience" say when a person who was denied care because of this law dies? Well, the answer is “probably nothing.” That’s because that would require a degree of sympathy and compassion - another way of saying “Woke.” Can’t have any of that in Ron DeSantis’ tropical, Social Darwinistic dystopia. And, for those of you who think, “So what, I don’t live in Florida,” just remember if Trump goes to jail - DeSantis may very well be our next president. Sweet dreams!

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johnnyrobish 8 May 14
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ask yourself, would you want to be treated by any ''doctor'' that thought this was a fine idea?.....

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 14, 2023

We need a super hero that will take all these repubs out starting with Ronnie and Donnie!😉

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