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What Counts As A Trump Faith Leader In Iowa For The 2024 Caucuses

There are 99 counties in Iowa, and Donald Trump would like to claim that he has support from a religious leader from every one of those counties. In Clayton County, Iowa, we see how thin that claim actually is. The only two members of Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition who are from Clayton County are a husband and wife pair, Douglas and Julie Wolfe.

Julie Wolfe mostly works as a nurse. Every now and then she makes an appearance to support her husband’s effort to get a Christian marriage counseling business off the ground, but that business seems to be only a side hustle for them both.

Douglas Wolfe is a political consultant currently working as a campaign manager for the congressional campaign of Dave Giles in Arizona. He is also the owner of Grumpy Burgers. He also works as a home inspector. He is also a real estate broker at Rockgate Realty.

Douglas Wolfe also occasionally works as a pastor-for-hire, charging money for marital counseling services at Marriage Minded Ministries at His Harbor. It is on the basis of this occasional work that the Trump for President lists Wolfe as a “faith leader” in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

How much counseling has Douglas Wolfe actually done through His Harbor? The “Testimonials” section of the His Harbor web site has been empty for a very long time, with nothing but a placeholder “coming soon” message.

Douglas Wolfe hasn't been lazy about his support for Donald Trump. He has put some effort into spreading known lies about Joe Biden.

Wolfe wrote: “For those who voted for the moron sitting in the white house and believe his tax plan doesn’t affect those who make less than 400K, look at page 2385 of his tax plan. He proposes a 3% annual tax on ALL residential and commercial real estate, based on value.”

However, Politifact reported that this claim about page 2385 is completely incorrect.

“PolitiFact spoke to three tax experts who have reviewed both the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Build Back Better Act. They were unanimous: Biden’s infrastructure agenda doesn’t contain a 3% property tax, or any federal property tax at all. 
"This claim is not true," said Garrett Watson, a senior tax policy analyst at the Tax Foundation. 
The image cites "page 2,385" of the infrastructure bill as evidence for its claims. However, page 2,385 of that bill would provide state funds to establish a ferry service for rural communities, not levy a property tax.” 

The facts about page 2,385 of Biden’s economic legislation are easy to see. Douglas Wolfe told a blatant lie. Yet, Wolfe has never admitted this lie, much less apologized for spreading false political propaganda.

Two years after Senator John McCain died, Douglas Wolfe spread a lie that McCain had been a ringleader in a secret prostitution ring in Washington D.C., writing that “Looks like John McCain was also involved with Biden's money laundering, human trafficking and prostitution. The establishments is going down one by one.”

Douglas Wolfe was never able to produce any evidence for this supposed criminal conspiracy. Wolfe pretended it was real anyway.

Falsely accusing people of running prostitution rings in order to make Donald Trump look better... this is the kind of garbage that can be expected from Donald Trump's Iowa Faith Leader Coalition. It's anything but a refuge of honesty and respect.

CliffordCook 6 Jan 15
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I assume Wolfe is the fat fuck smiling with Trump in the photo.. Typical fundy phony, self enriching variety..

That is Wolfe in the photo.


As to the "The separation of Church and State", are there actually any laws or statutes in the USA. Or is this simply a phrase somewhere ?

As to separation of church and state, this exists in the most fundamental law in the United States: The Constitution. It exists in the original body of the Constitution, in the guarantee that there shall be no religious test for public office, in the first amendment of the Bill of Rights, which forbids any law establishing religion through government, and guaranteeing freedom of religion. More basically, it exists in the complete lack of any constitutional clause linking the state with religion, or with church bodies. There were a few efforts to try to connect church and state when the Constitution was being debated, and these all failed. The actual phrase "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution, but the concept of separation of church and state is robust in the Constitution.

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