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LINK Guy Creates Images That Show How Earth Would Look If Cats Were A Lot Bigger (30 Pics)

Gorgeous images, but... just imagine the mess you would have in your house with gallons of pee and tons of pooh... No, don't think about that!

Jetty 7 Apr 26
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Thos are from a human perspective . Would cats then see us as mice ?

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

Probably not as mice, but very possibly as something edible.


Have any of you seen the You Tube videos of Messi the Cougar/Puma? Some guy in Russia bought a cougar and keeps it in his house. The cat is incredubly tame, and although he looks just like a wild cougar, he is incredibly tame and acts just like a big house cat. Cuddles with his owner and sleeps on the bed. Take a look at some of the videos. The guy who owns the cougar has posted a bunch of them on You Tube. Look for them under the word "Messi". That's the cat's name, taken from some Russian soccer star.

Spudgun Level 7 Apr 26, 2020

Those are wonderful! Thank goodness we don’t have to smell THAT MUCH kitty food (and kitty litter)!


I remember my cat jumping from a windowsill onto me asleep in my bed. I'm thankful she wasn't any bigger.

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