8 18

Fat Willie has not moved from this chair since 10 this morning and it is now 4.30.

Jolanta 9 May 14
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Why would he move? He looks supremely comfortable in that chair.

Spudgun Level 7 May 14, 2020

I know but I wanted to sit there but I had to go and sit on the lounge instead. I am a suck.


Kitty is comfortable

bobwjr Level 10 May 14, 2020

Our cats will once in a very great while settle in for a very long sleep or rest n the same spot. It usually includes a lack of appetite too. We assume it is the equivalent of our kitties getting colds, because when they get up they are lethargic for another half day. But, then they recover and are fine.

snytiger6 Level 9 May 14, 2020

What a cutie! I know my older kitties can become champion snoozers.

RavenCT Level 9 May 14, 2020

My cats never stay still for that long. The only time they stay put is when I am laying down. They are always by me unless they are eating, in the litter box, I'm not here or go outside exploring.


You say that like cats don't do that on a regular basis

glennlab Level 10 May 14, 2020

My Mazie does that. When she gets comfy, she gets REAL comfy. 😂

Kynlei Level 8 May 14, 2020
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