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LINK Why Religious People Are Less Likely to Own Cats

I think we all knew this already but...

After adjusting for all the other factors, they found that people who attended church or religious services more often tended to have fewer pets generally. However, when they specifically looked at cat ownership and dog ownership, they found that frequent church attenders were less likely to own a cat than others, but no less likely to own a dog.


Based on this, the authors suggested that cat people seemed to have a personality profile associated with being more creative, non-conforming, and unconventional, because of their greater imagination, intelligence, and emotional sensitivity, as well as their willingness to disregard social norms. Dog people, on the other hand, tend to be more practical and more interested in fitting in with their social group.

prometheus 7 July 29
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I should probably go look for studies of cat ownership and political leaning. While I can certainly cite many examples of cat lovers on both sides I am curious what the statistical average is...


The only group I 100% enjoy is my tiny dog pack!


Truer words have never been spoken. I resemble the second quote.

Spudgun Level 7 July 30, 2020

I cannot think of one day in my life when there wasn't a cat living with me. Many times when dogs were my companions there were cats living there to modify and control everything.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 29, 2020

That could explain so much, my ex never did warm to my cats, and one of my cats was so people bonded that she would love up on him. He always looked like the was encountering a dirty diaper. He sort of warmed up to the dog, but only because he could take the dog for walks and use him to meet other people to invite them to church.

Dog's as a recruiting tool for god. Is it any accident "dog" spelled backwards is "god"?. It's a sign!

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