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Here are my 3 fur friends enjoying the sun this morning. Pixie & Nala love the window scene, but Leonardo is a little stuck up today...won't even acknowledge the camera.

Ray13 8 Dec 2
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Real cuties

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 3, 2020

Pretty babies

Frctnal Level 7 Dec 3, 2020

Such pretty babies. I have three, as well. Fergus, Mimsy, and Renfield.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 2, 2020


Thank you😁


Beautiful kitties

Ladydiana Level 7 Dec 2, 2020

Thank you😁


My secretary and I talk about cats everyday to the dismay of some crazy people who don't like them. When I walked to the desk phone in hand to show them the live traffic cam of the storm the charge nurse that day said, "I swear if that's a picture of a cat or a pizza..." Which prompted me to Google those two words and find this...

Alright! Cool response. You did show it to her, I hope.

@Ray13 No, I was on my way out the door, so while I was walking out I was texting it to people that were sitting around her. 😝


@JeffMurray . You should get an 8x10 printout of that and put it on her desk.

@Ray13 That is an excellent idea!! I have a laminator too!

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