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LINK Are Ginger Tabbies Really As Friendly As People Think? - YouTube

Just more cat education for humans

snytiger6 9 Feb 11
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I've had more tuxedo cats than ginger cats, but I have had two (one currently), and I've noticed at Simply Cats that the ginger ones tend to be a little more friendly. Gideon, my current ginger cat, purrs like there's no tomorrow and loves to cuddle.

Spudgun Level 7 Feb 11, 2021

In my experience there is something special about them. Rudy who walked thru a pack of whippets with such confidence the dogs let him be. Rudy who turned those that did not like cats into feline affecianatos. Red Roodle, red roodle, e doodle e doodle e doodle e doodle e doooo.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 11, 2021

Most cats respond to the way they are treated in kind. I've had many cats over the past 77 years and color doesn't make much difference. Genetic background might though, such as the Savannah which is a large hunter hybrid. It can be dangerous.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 11, 2021

In my life have had many pets, but my ginger tabby named "Ginger" was the meanest, grottiest, most ill tempered feline, old rat bag, I ever had the misfortune to encounter.
My brother and I called him mogzilla.
His successor Perky a black and white dwarf cat was the best, nicest and cheekiest cat I ever owned.


We had an orange tabby named Rickie at Kittyland. He would follow us around and want to be held if you sat down. He got adopted last week and the new parents will have a very loving cat.

Susieq Level 7 Feb 11, 2021
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