Mine used the meat cleaver.
Only joking said he gluing the splinters of his wooden prosthesis back together.
Jokes aside, a friend of mine had a cat that he had declawed. It got outside and had no defenses. It died later from shock.
Plus my mom did that once despite me telling her not to. The vet fucked up, and the claw started growing inward being extremely painful for Simba. He had to go through the procedure twice. The claw is actually part of the knuckle. If you are careful, you can trim them with a regular pair of nail clippers. Just be careful. There is a blood vessel in there that has nerve endings. I've never drawn blood, but I am told if that happens to have some corn starch handy so the blood will clot. Just get the tippy-tip. Despite others saying to "make a kitty burrito" (wrapping them in a blanket so they don't move) just get them used to touching their paws. Then do one claw every once in a while. Works best when they are comfortable around you touching them, and clip one while they sleep. You only need to do the front. There are ways like using double sided tape to get them to not scratch. That and just get them a scratching post.
I've mentioned this before, but will mention it again.
Posted by LaurenIt's my first grand's fifth Gotcha Day and this is her in the arms of my daughter as they drove home.
Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Hey! I'm not done yet...
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...Going Home...
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness