The exiting owners should be prosecuted IMO.
Cat locked in abandoned house for two months SURVIVES []
One of out cats was found in an abandoned house near the Sacramento area. On eof my cousins put his picture up on Facebook asking if anyone could give him a home. My sister said she'd take him if it weren't so far away (we live in the Portland/Vancouver area). So, my cousin was already planning to fly into Seatac (the airport that serves Seattle and Tacoma), and so she brought him along, and my sister drive up to meet her and get him.
We could tell from his flinching when we first got him that he had been abused, but he now knows he is loved and doesnt' have to worry about someone hitting him anymore.
But yeah, such people who abuse pets and lock them up in emptyu houses should be locked up.
Your source is Russia Today which serves to manipulate the USA. With emotion they will try to encourage people to frequent their site. Anything from them is always questionable. Tho this may be a true story, I would trust them as far as I could toss a grand piano.
Just like many of us mistrust anything stated as true by American sources?
@FrayedBear Crosscheck with reliable sources. VICE, Mother Jones, The Nation, The New Republic. Al Jazeera, BBC, Telemundo, Alec Jones. =0}
They know how Americans love our animals. They manipulate, entice, & trick with KGB aplomb.
@Mooolah I suggest that the USA has a history of so much misinformation created against Russia that the nation's citizens now have an inherent paranoia. Frequently you can only cope with it by reacting as you do now - immediate denial, denigration & pass the buck!
@FrayedBear There are plenty of reliable sources. RT is not one of them. Choose carefully.
@Mooolah You have a sad life - look how you have believed Nixon, both Bushs, Powell, Kissinger, Obama . . .
True or not it is a feel good story. Why does your ego have to get in the way of you accepting it as such? No your guilty conscience & ego won't let you.
Incidentally I recognise 9\11 as the date when the Kissinger & CIA promoted overthrow of the Chilean democratic government occurred & resulted in 17 years of Pinochet's brutal junta's dictatorship.
@FrayedBear Check your glucose level.
Yes! The previous owners should be found & prosecuted. To leave an animal locked up to starve is unforgivable!
It could possibly have gone into hiding because of packing disturbance but if it was me I would have gone back looking
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