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Spring has sprung, Kimbo is playing with his first lizard in a long time.

Lorajay 9 Mar 5
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Frankie just brought a lizard in but he can’t find it now.

Susieq Level 7 Mar 9, 2022

Your cat's fur looks lush and dense.

MizJ Level 8 Mar 5, 2022

Some days I don't see how as much of it that he leaves on my furniture and clothes.

He was either feral or very lost and he tested positive for feline leukemia when I took him in a year ago. I keep dreading for him to get sick but so far he seems really healthy.


My cats like to try to catch the flies that get in. Thank goodness it's still too early in the season for that. And thank goodness no lizards. I would not be OK with lizards in my house. Ewwww.

I'd freak!

In the south seas, the houses have extended open air verandas and geckos crawl up the walls and even stick to the ceiling. They hang out near the lights waiting for a moth to fly by. Once in a great while, one will lose its grip and flop onto a table or chair. (Some of them even sell auto insurance.)

@racocn8 I remember cockroaches the size of mice when I was in Okinawa. And we found scorpions in our house in Louisiana when we moved in. I'm OK with creepy crawlies as long as they stay outside and leave me alone.

OK. I'm a speciesist. I have minimal tolerance for insects or spiders. If I can capture it easily to put it outside, I might. Otherwise, spray or kinetic destruction. I wish there was some way to be nicer about it. (I would absolutely freak seeing a scorpion. I'm irrational on that.)

@racocn8 Yeah, as I recall I was not exactly calm, cool, or collected with a scorpion in the house. I didn't like living in the south for so very many reasons, and that was just one of them.

Lizards, garter snakes and even frogs and toads don't bother me very much. I go bananas though when he brings a mouse in thats not dead and it runs around trying to get away from him. Once I had actually catch one that ran behind the wine cooler. I move the cooler so he can get to it but he wouldn't go in the hole so I had to take care of the mouse myself-YUCK!

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