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My cats like to knock objects off the kitchen table and other surfaces. I would swear they need to test the laws of gravity. They have busted many breakable things ... sigh ....

SKH78 8 June 11
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What is that about cats? Mine get on my desk and knock pencils off and then the dog chews them.

IAmLove Level 7 June 12, 2018

Just showing you who's in charge.


My question is: why are you leaving breakables out when you know the risks? Your kitties are plotting and you are offering them ammunition. It's enabling, really! I'm shocked!

citronella Level 7 June 11, 2018

I try to keep breakable things out of reach. But there are a few things that are pretty difficult. I am not perfect - I sometimes leave a large glass bowl on the kitchen table or a blender, or a Brita pitcher. After several busted glass bowls, one shattered blender and three broken Brita pitchers, I did finally learn to keep those object out of reach or nailed down. Sigh.

@SKH78 Wow, those are heavy objects!! You must have one strong and seriously determined kitty!

@SKH78 nope, Bo Ha Ki simply stretch out and rub up against things they are such tiny critters our things are all assumed to be stationary and if it is small to them ANY HOUSEHOLD TINY OBJECT like a bottle cap or bread sack twister wire or lipstick wand ARE ALL FAIR GAME for Felinist Maximist hunting


My cats knocked some glassware off the shelves, which is why I bought a closed cabinet to keep the glassware and other breakables in. I don't mind that it broke, I don't want them or the grandbabies to get cut, or glass in my carpet. I spent too many years with a sweet blind kitty. After she passed I got a younger cat, and then I got a kitten. Oy Vey! What was I thinking!


Earthquake putty - it has kept my cats and I from arguments.

You just take a little ball of it and twist the object down to the surface. Saved many an item!

RavenCT Level 9 June 11, 2018

I enquired about that at our hardware chain. Seemingly the New Zealand shops have it but not the Australian. NZ does seem more quake prone though and is not called "the Shaky Isles" for nothing.

@FrayedBear Amazon has it. I got some for my sister in California after she lost half her teapot collection to a quake.

@RavenCT Have you seen current postal charges? My Agnostic shirt cost more to post than the shirt did.

@FrayedBear Well the putty is light? And yes I spent more on shipping then on gifts this year. It's awful.

Earthquake putty ... now why didn't I think of that????!!

@SKH78 It was in a fit of despair that I figured it out - my cat had just broken something I couldn't afford to replace. lol

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