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OK, a lot of you might have read Robert Heinlein's story about the cat who walked through walls. Right? Well, I've been having a running battle with my cat, Bobby. He wants to be outdoors and I'm really worried about traffic and cat-nappers, so I say no. He always finds a way to get out. My house is three stories high and the upper floors have windows open but with screens on them. Downstairs windows are all shut and locked. Front, side and back doors are shut tight and locked. Yet he finds a way out. This has been going on since I bought the house three years ago now.

The other night he was gone again. I called and he was outside in the rain so he came running to be let in. I decided to figure it out for once and for all.

I locked the doors again after letting him in. I fed him and he immediately wanted out again. Crying loud at the door, calling me names which I won't repeat here. I watched him closely for a while until I got bored. He came and wrapped himself around my ankles purring and I figured it was over, but no. While I washed a few dishes in the kitchen sink my head was turned away from him. He took off running towards the back door, about ten feet away. I didn't look up until I heard a loud thump. He was gone again.

I couldn't believe it so I opened the back door a small sliver and called out his name. Bobby. He called back from the back yard and came running to me in the rain again. Purring and wet, wanting to be picked up and cuddled.

Tell me what you think, please? I cannot figure it out.

OldGoat43 9 Aug 12
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Some cats are just determined to be outdoor cats. We tried to keep our cats inside, but we just didnt' hve it in us to keep up the battle. Luckily we live in a mostly quiet area, and the coyotes and cougars don't usually come into the residential areas.

As for how your cat gets out... there must be an opening somewhere. Our boy cat manages to squeeze through the fence even though the boards are really close together. He was determined, so he foudn a way, but I am not sure how he does it.

If it were me, i'd just accept that my cat(s) are happier spending some time outdoors.

snytiger6 Level 9 Aug 13, 2018

I'm in a small city in PA and have already lost two cats to something unknown outdoors. Might have been a person scooping them up to take home or worse. It worries me that there could be foul play, such as two young guys with a pit bull trained to kill cats, which was videotaped on the news here. Cruel intentions or just getting lost or hit by a car are not worth letting it happen.

@OldGoat43 Even in my quiet neighborhood, one of our neighbors had a cat that came home with a bullet wound. Some peopel are just cruel steaming piles of shit!

However, there is the argument that a cat livign a happy life may be better than a long unhappy one. We con't want to lose our cats either, but we do want them to be happy too. I guess we all do what we think is best.


He is back in the house again. Fourth time was the final time. He had torn open the screen on the third floor window at a corner so it wouldn't show. Then he jumped thirty feet down to the garden, flying over the patio. He knew exactly where to do it in the dark and rainy night. Damn. Is that called extreme sports?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 13, 2018

Time to get one of those cameras for his collar! I'd be irritated and confused enough that it would be money well spent.

synergy Level 6 Aug 12, 2018

I found out how. He had torn open the screen on the third floor window at a corner so it wouldn't show. Then he jumped thirty feet down to the garden, flying over the patio. He knew exactly where to do it in the dark and rainy night. Better than a flying squirrel.

@OldGoat43 What a little stinker!! I'm glad you figured it out, I'd have driven myself batty wondering. I'd also be a right mess if he'd ever managed to hurt himself taking that silly leap. You've got him 'locked' in now, yeah?

@synergy. Yes, darn cat fought me, pulled things off my desk. I had to subdue him by petting and scratching behind his ears, but he did scream "OUT" several times. He's sulking now off in a corner by the back door. If he sees me, he says OUT but not so loud. Just enough to hurt me. He chews on my fingers while purring (no blood loss).


By the way, he doesn't have a tail, just a small stubby bump. He's genetically related to the Manx breed. Stocky and strong, He walks like a little bulldog. When he wrestles with my other cat, Zippy, he tosses him around like a little rag doll, but he's not mean. He stops wrestling to lick and hug Zippy if he feels he got hurt.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 12, 2018

I have a stubtailed cat myself =) His siblings had tails, as did his mother, but we picked him because the stub goes around like a helicopter blade when he's excited or chasing something - and it might be the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole life. We named him Nebulous, so we could call him Nubs, but he goes by Tiny most of the time these days. I love that yours is a strong little guy, ours remains a bit of a runt =p

@synergy. Your cat sounds cute and much nicer than mine. Consider yourself lucky.


He's a cute kitty. Maybe the two of you can have fun outside. Go outside with him and supervise him. I've done that for my cats and my parents do it for their cat. They just keep an eye on her while she goes off and surveys her territory and rolls around on the driveway. After a while she gets bored and wants to go back inside. It might work for you two as well.

Thanks, I'll try it during the daylight hours and when it isn't raining, which seems to be his choice. Night time in the rain. He went out again three times and I never figure it out. Each time he came back to me soaking wet wanting to cuddle. Cute huh? He's very vocal and let's me know what he wants, but he's lovable and affectionate. Who can resist?

@OldGoat43 Very true. They are hard to resist when they are so cute. Are any of the screens ripped that he might be able to get through?

@Captain747ex. I'll check again in the morning. Thanks.

@OldGoat43 You're welcome. Also, is he capable of opening the doors himself? I've seen some videos of cats doing that. They are quite smart.

@Captain747ex . Yes, he ripped a corner of one on the third floor and I didn't notice it at night. He knew how to be discreet. He got on the outside window sill and jumped three floors to the grass over the patio at night in the rain. He's very determined.

@OldGoat43 Cats are good at being discreet and determined. They work at finding ways to not get caught again. They are very resourceful. At least he didn't hurt himself trying to get outside. Sounds like you have to keep an eye on him, he's good.

I had a cat that was always determined to get outside but he'd take the opportunity when your hands were full coming inside. He hardly ever got past me, but when he had to go live with my parents, they were no match for him. He got out all the time. I trained him too well. Not intentionally, of course. Hopefully your kitty stays safe.


Has he managed to dislodge a screen that snaps back into place?
I found one of mine hanging from our living room window screen on the OUTSIDE! She had gotten it open, got outside, & it was closed when I saw her. Mine are not outdoor cats & she was terrified, & 2 stories up.

There is one loose screen on the third floor back, but it's so high. I'll check it again. He's have to jump thirty feet and across a small patio onto the grass, in the dark and rainy nights. That's when he mostly disappears.

@OldGoat43 Maybe a hundred spy cameras through the house?


Tough old

vnufall Level 7 Aug 12, 2018

Yes, he's eight years old now, and getting more ornery all the time. However, he always is cuddly and loveable if he gets his way. Otherwise he is a curmudgeon. For instance, he wanted to sleep on my pillow. I said no but he wouldn't stop pushing for being on my pillow. When I pushed him away he pushed back. Finally I gave him my pillow and took another one for myself.

@OldGoat43 uP have an old male cat too. He has me wrapped around his paw.


Sounds like that door has a pet door made in it somewhere, but if you've been there 3 years I'd guess you would have found it by now. If you haven't checked that door very close yet it might have a homemade door that could be hard to spot. Also I've known some people fix the pet door so they can get out but not in so as to keep unwanted animals from entering the house. That would explain why he doesn't return until you open the door.

Ray13 Level 8 Aug 12, 2018

This house was weatherized by the county last week and checked for any leaks of air. The crew of five guys weather stripped every door and double checked every entrance and window. It does not have nor ever had a doggy door.
Bobby is out again, right now. I came up to write back to you guys and when I went downstairs again he was gone. I opened the door and he is out in the backyard grinning.
I can't fathom how he gets out.


When you figure this out please tell us. You're right for keeping your kitty inside. Good luck.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Aug 12, 2018

I cannot keep him in, He is outside again, just after I wrote that story about him. I double checked every door and window. The house was just weatherized by the county and there are no holes anywhere. Yet, he is out again after I wrote about him.


Also a collar with a bell on it will help ruin his outdoor fun. Make sure it has a snap release in case he gets tangled.

I just recently stopped leaving the bells on my cat collars after someone suggested what a pain it must be to hear that all of the time. lol

But they are indoors so they don't need the added jingle. They just have their id on the collar.

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 12, 2018

Yes, the collar has a small bell that I cannot hear. He doesn't mind it either. He's a "chicken cat", meaning he's scared of other things and never goes near anybody or other animal. He mostly hides under my shed in the backyard when he's out there.

@OldGoat43 Maybe he needs a good hidey hole indoors? I mean he obviously has multiple levels - but perhaps nothing that reaches the level of being under a shed?

I'm thinking maybe the bottom of a closet... or a cat bed under a human bed?

I have one that prefers under my bed - one that loves to lie under the Christmas Tree in the cellar (don't ask it's set up year round). lol

And one that doesn't seem to feel the need to hide at all!


He's trying to find the door to summer? I really loved that story BTW.

But ok reality - is he neutered? Because if not - he needs to be.

Here outdoors is often a death sentence and fortunately my cats seem to agree with me on this. Coyotes and cars - etc...

What about some cat tv such as a bird feeder or squirrel feeder outside a favorite perch?

My sister had a cat like this. And it drove me nuts because he ended up with FIV because another cat bit him. While he was outdoors. With no front claws (Don't get me started on that horror).

No idea why he wanted outdoors so much but he was a heck of a hunter. He also had no toys indoors for much of his life. And therefore wanted something to chase. He was a great hunter minus any front claws.

I also provide a ton of toys for my three - and I rotate them when they get bored with one type - more of another come out. (I also gave toys to my sister's cat but she didn't like the look of toys hanging out on the rug). Sigh.

They have a cat tree - and perches in the bay window and the bedroom window. Oh and a few in the cellar room too. They seem to enjoy the view of the ground out those.

So maybe cat enrichment toys? Or a heart to heart talk with him.

Good luck and glad he got back home safely.

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 12, 2018

He was a farm cat who was outdoors whenever he wanted to be. He had four large dogs to guard him from coyotes and stuff. He doesn't hunt, he's mostly a scaredy cat. He just has the unnatural drive to be outdoors all the time. Thanks.

@OldGoat43 Oh with that back story I get it!

However I've had several cats who were formerly farm cats who were really happy being indoors. Never tried to run for the door on me? I'm not sure what makes some of them want out so badly?

They might have sensed my determination on the subject. My sister's cat never tried it when I was at the door - But every time she went out? Oh boy.

Could you build him a tiny catio attached to a window?
Or a simple outdoor catio?

I have a friend who did this for a cat who lived on the second story and the kitty was very happy to have an outdoor run.


I really have no idea! Sorry.

Sydland Level 7 Aug 12, 2018

I found him hiding inside a folding sofa bed in a vacant apartment that had been abandoned in the city. He was just a little kitten then and the vet said he was healthy on probably two months old. That was in 2010. He gets along fine with my other young kitten, Zippy.

@OldGoat43 That’s good he gets along with your other cat. But he really is an escape artist.

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