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This has probably been discussed here but which cat litter do you all use? Do you use self cleaning systems or things like Luup? I have three kitties and would like feed back from other kitty parents. Thanks guys

IrishTxJudy 8 Aug 18
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Feline Pine. It works great and the cats love it.

Sydland Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

World's Best.

Booklover Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

The stuff in the yellow plastic bucket with the orange lid.


I buy. 40# bag of equine pine from tractor supply lasts forever. $6

Meme0309 Level 5 Aug 19, 2018

'World's Best': it clumps without being dusty.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

I use Tidy Cat clumping. I scoop daily, bag it all and toss into the garbage. The remaining litter never seems to need dumping, I just replenish with more as needed.

Justjoni Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

I use anything available. The litter goes in the bottom of the tray, a plastic grill then fits over the top of that to allow the liquid to flow through. However that is reduced by putting paper towel down on top of the grill. Puss Puss tells me when she has soiled the paper and like a good slave I replace it either by wrapping up the poo and flushing it down the toilet or the simply wet paper is rinsed, sprayed with bubble gum disinfectant and eventually by the bagful recycled.
Apart from two times recently when she has managed to step in sloppy poo and then leave paw prints across the lino and apart from my irritation at having her meowing at me to put fresh paper down whilst in the middle of doing something, the system has worked well and kept her and I healthy. The midden of dumped clay in the corner of the garden after about 4 years is now 18" high and about 3'x4' in size. Last year i managed to grow two hollyhocks in it. One flowering. I will have to enquire if the gardeners have better cover.

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

Swheat Scoop. Clumping and more environmentally friendly. One bag usually lasts 3-4 weeks for one cat.

purcascade Level 5 Aug 18, 2018

The litter does not matter. Clean out the box once a day for an odor free environment...I had 6 cats 4 litter boxes. No cat odor smell at all. I changed the litter once a week and added baking soda to the litter.


My two kitties use plain clay litter from Walmart which only costs $1.17 per bag that fills one litter box every two weeks. Each week I dump the two litter boxes in the local landfill for free. All together is costs $60.84 per year. (Not including tax)

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

I don't know how you manage living working on pretax prices and cannot imagine not having uniform taxation throughout the land. The only lack of uniformity here is in council rating which varies from place to place.

@FrayedBear . I don't work, I've retired ten years ago. My income and assets were wiped out during the 2008 debacle. So, I make do with what I've got now. I enjoy the simplification and budget myself to afford whatever luxury I want. I'm living on $415 per month total income and doing fine. Found a commonwealth state to help support me. I own a house and my property taxes are refunded to me and I don't pay any taxes except sales tax and utility taxes. I'm content.

@OldGoat43 lol, that wasn't quite how I meant it. Here and in the U.K. retail prices are quoted inclusive of the equivalent of the sales tax. It is not just on goods but also services. The rate however is uniform throughout the land. There are only a few things - raw food and council land and house taxes that are exempt of the tax. On first view your income is half of what basic aged pensioners here receive however the difference in cost of living probably equalises the amounts in that your food, liquor and petrol costs used to be much lower than here. Foodwise friends told me a few years ago that it only cost them a quarter of what it did here. A friend of mine lost all his superannuation in the 2008 crash and he was supposed to be protected by a state trustee!

@FrayedBear . Half is what I get, one of my ex-wives gets the other half. Our food is not taxed unless it is "take-out" ready to eat. Each US state has different sales taxes and property taxes and etc. Some states are much cheaper to live in but they usually have less support and amenities. My cost of living is about $375 per month, including food, utilities and misc. in Pennsylvania. In upstate New York it was close to four times that much monthly.

@OldGoat43 I wish we only cost $375 per month. That is slightly less than what I pay in rent and my rent is very cheap compared to many peoples. In fact I'm told it is about the same as many people now pay in council rates in the capital cities.


I use the Breeze system by Tidy Cat. It works pretty well for me. There is an absorbant pad liner that goes in the tray on the bottom and odor absorbing pellets for the litter. Just scoop the poop daily and and change the pads weekly. You can get pads for it on Amazon that are cheaper than the Tidy Cat version.


I use Fresh Step low tracking litter. I also liked Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat, but the one I preferred has become increasingly hard to find. I tried the self cleaning one ages ago and it just wasn’t strong enough for bigger clumps and poops, so it would constantly get clogged. What a waste of a couple hundred that was! Now I use a sifting box and it seems to be going well

Leeshi Level 7 Aug 18, 2018

I think I am using Arm & Hammer Fragrance Free. When I can get it. Or another Arm & Hammer product when I can't find the fragrance free. I prefer fragrance free, I don't know if the kitties care.


I mostly use a pine product. It is not clumping. Haven't tried the self-cleaners. I figure it only takes one time for the cat to be there at the wrong moment, to incur life lasting psychological trauma....

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