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Fluffaroo Mikey Big Paws is sick! The vet gave him sub-q fluids yesterday and some meds. He's worse today so going back to the vet in about an hour. More tests and treatment. Poor, precious kitty.

Update #3: I saw the x-rays. OMG!!! I cannot imagine the pain he must have endured with the original injury. I cannot imagine how it managed to heal at all. It has left him with a life threatening condition that needs to be treated for the rest of his shortened lifespan. He's home now, resting and eating although obviously still somewhat uncomfortable. His meds will need some tweaking over the next few weeks. We will love him and spoil him for as long as we are graced with his life. Thank you for all your kind thoughts.

Update #2: Mikey is staying at the vet another day and night. He'll be anaesthetized then cleaned out manually. This option will be the fastest and cause him the least amount of pain and trauma. In the meantime, he's being hydrated, treated for pain and kept as comfortable as possible. He's already the darling of the clinic. Other cats in the household miss him.

Update #1: Mikey has a very old, healed pelvic fracture that can't be fixed. It has narrowed certain passages so he's severely constipated and in a lot of pain. He's sedated and the clinic will work to rehydrate him and clear up the constipation. He may be at the clinic overnight. Vet says he'll need a special diet and meds for the rest of his life.

That will make it much harder to get him adopted no matter how handsome and fluffy he is. 😟

pixiedust 8 Oct 23
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Hoping for the best for the furball.


I hope he does better! Please post updates.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

Poor guy. If he is a sweetie, then someone will fall in love and take him!

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 23, 2018

Poor thing. I had a cat who had issues with constipation after an injury. It was tough but you do the best you can.

graceylou Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

Poor baby.

SkagwayKim Level 7 Oct 23, 2018

I hope he pulls through!!! Maybe time to consider quality of life?

He's very young still and is normally a happy laid back cat. I think he'll be fine by next week.


Lots of hugs to Mikey.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 23, 2018

Best of luck & best of thoughts (& as mentioned below, lack of prayers).

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 23, 2018

Thoughts and no prayers

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