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One year ago today... our daughter, 8 1/2 months preggers, got on a silver bird with her husband, and her cat, and flew 14 hours from Houston to Auckland, NZ to start her new life. The one who stood that flight the best was Liverpool... the cat. This is what a jet-lagged cat looks like:

bigpawbullets 9 Dec 8
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I'm kinda shocked that the airlines allowed a woman 8.5 months pregnant to fly, especially a flight that long.

Apparently, these days, with her doctor's written permission, it's not that unusual. I was not thrilled but I kept my step-dad mouth shut.

@bigpawbullets You are a wise and strong man!


I'm so happy they loved their cat enough to move it with them. I get so mad at the people who come into Kittyland and say they're moving and can't tke their cat and have to give them up. Most are just moving locally, not out of the country.

Susieq Level 7 Dec 8, 2018

Kind of risky that far along, wasn't it?

The airline said it was pushing the limit. Her doctor said she could do it. Her MOTHER was not happy. They wanted the child to be born in NZ. Dual citizenship. Her husband is a Kiwi.

@bigpawbullets Still risky at that late stage. Why not earlier?

Family drama.... I'm just the step-dad.

@bigpawbullets Personally, I did nothing big like that after getting to 6 months along.

She's a brave, adventureous, HARDHEADED woman.

@bigpawbullets So I take it the birth was fine.

Yep. Bouncing baby boy. He's a real pistol. We visited them for his one year birthday.

@bigpawbullets Good.


Looks remarkably like a non jet lagged cat?

Yes... he does!


Poor guy.

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