Mine prefer to play with things that make lots of noise. They’re young. I may survive.
2 am or 4 am?
@Rob1948 My roommate says those are called "Sheet Mice". (Toes under blankets or sheets).
My 10 yo cat Heath - is the worst offender - but he's also a great cuddler. He has been known to goose my rear end in a fashion that will make me yelp like I am 8 years old (thankfully though multiple layers of blankets). If he takes it up as a Summer Sport? I'm in trouble.
He gets that gleam in his eyes? And Bam! He finds things to get into. But he makes me laugh - always. That's Heath - laughing...
No problem with sleep... ???
Lucky you.....I am severely sleep deprived, & cancer treatments years ago left it permanent by the looks of it.
@Lilac-Jade I'm sorry to hear that..... What have you tried?
@Cutiebeauty Prescribed sleeping pills VERY occasionally, warm milk, sleep music through sleep friendly headphones, I have always done my bathing at night.....but no matter what, my top sleep is 4-5 hours, but that does not happen often.
@Lilac-Jade OK... But is that enough sleep for you? I've heard that when we get older less sleep is needed
@Cutiebeauty Of course not which is why I'm sleep deprived. I don't know what to do to sleep more....napping just doesn't happen. If I could get a solid 6-7 hours without waking up in between, it would be better.
@Lilac-Jade Have you ever tried Trazadone? Meant for Depression and taken at night I finally have something that knocks me out most nights. I still can't sleep early - and I have mid cycle awakening - but I do sleep.
Same thing btw my sleep became far worse after cancer treatment. Could simply have been age But as I was 45 at the time? Probably not.
@RavenCT Tried many, but many also react badly with me. I also have to make sure anything I take is kidney friendly.
Currently I use Ativan or Lorazepam, which are fine for me, but addictive so I only use one of them every 3 or 4 weeks when I get desperate.
I am a lifelong night person so sleeping has always been something of an issue but could always sleep as long as people left me the hell alone about ''decent'' hours.
I was 58 when I had cancer, & the 5 years of treatment following really messed up. When I do sleep, I wake up multiple times.
@Lilac-Jade It helped me stay asleep and helped me get there. Apparently replicates something in my brain chemistry I don't have enough of. Waking up not exhausted? That is something.
But you'd have to ask about your kidneys?
It's meant to be an antidepressant but this is another known use - and I have had none of the night terrors I had from the common sleep meds..
@RavenCT Thanks, maybe I'll take that name & ask the dr.
Posted by LaurenIt's my first grand's fifth Gotcha Day and this is her in the arms of my daughter as they drove home.
Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Hey! I'm not done yet...
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...Going Home...
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness