7 17

My cat, Alexander.

Born: April 16th, 2006.

J75243 6 Feb 5
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Gorgeous and those blue eyes are startling!

Booklover Level 7 Feb 6, 2019

What a sweet face!

Hathacat Level 9 Feb 6, 2019

love that face ! 🙂


Absolutely beautiful cow kitty with those blue eyes and markings. I've had cow kitties before and they were always quick, witty and mischievous.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 5, 2019

He still looks young for 12! And mischievous.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 5, 2019

He is not, unless there is meat involved, then he is on the prowl.

His favorite food is ham.

He likes beef, but beef don't like him.


Tell him we think he looks like a sweetheart.

GinaKay Level 7 Feb 5, 2019

He is. He is a massive cuddle bug and LOVES women/girls.

I am the only male human he has ever liked and he picked me when he was a babycat

Boys love their mama figures, but they also need a good male influence! ?

@GinaKay one time, he was being a pest in the kitchen because meat was cooking. He got up on the stove and try to get some chicken from a pan.

I grabbed him by the scruff of he neck, held him way up in the air, facing me

He KNEW he was in trouble. He started make low growls and purrs like "oh shit. I'm screwed".

I put my hand with my index and middle finger right close to his nose and said "NO!"

Then I put him down and he was on his best behavior for the rest of the day.

He knew you were serious! I'm trying to keep one of my girls from walking over to the hot curlng iron. It's amazing how they respnd to your tone of voice.

@GinaKay This is him when he was a tiny kitten

@J75243 Awwwe. A sweetie from the very beginning. ❤


He's adorable and inscrutable!

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